Monday, January 27, 2014

An oral history project

A) An oral history project: it is based on an interview with an individual where one can learn something based on  first hand experience. For example: a Vietnam veteran, Civil Rights activist, an immigrant, an educational leader or participant, and a labor leader or participant etc.
B) list of selected articles from Voices of Freedom:
1- “ Colloquy with Colored Ministers” ( 1865)
2- Petition of Committee on behalf of the Freedmen Bureau to Andrew Johnson
3- William Graham Summer on Social Darwinism ( 1880) Henry George, Progress and Poverty ( 1879)
4-The Populist Platform (1892)
5- The progressive Party Platform (1912)
6-Eugene V. Debs , Speech to the Jury ( 1918)
7- F.D.R on Economic Freedom (1936)
8-The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( 1948)
9- Martin Luther Jr. and The Montgomery Bus Boycott ( 1955)
10-The Clash of Civilizations ( 1993)
C- Audio visual materials
1- The Gilded Age
2- The Progressive Era
3- The Roaring Twenties
4- The Great Depression
5- Biography- Martin Luther King: the Man and the Dream
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