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Thursday, April 24, 2014
Declining by Degree: Higher education at Risk
Declining by Degree: Higher education at Risk
Age Differences in Second Language Acquisition
Age Differences in Second Language Acquisition
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distinguish between the four of the five major sentencing philosophies
distinguish between the four of the five major sentencing philosophies
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Theories of Democracy
Theories of Democracy
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East Asia Research Project
East Asia Research Project
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critical analysis of the management of provision of the setting focusing on the following factors
critical analysis of the management of provision of the setting focusing on the following factors: The managers roles and responsibilities and the government early years policies that influence the management of provision
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deontology, teleology, Case Study
Research any theory (i.e., deontology, teleology, etc.) or policy (i.e., ethics statements,transformational leadership to promote ethics organizational ethics) we have discussed in the class and show how this theory is or was used to create or impact a policy, practice or decision that is or was in place in the public sector. Your paper must include a full description of the theory, as well as a full explanation of how this theory is or was used to shape any policy, practice or decision that was or is in place in any area of public admmistration.
you may research deontology and explain how their theory impacted a political decision (perhaps the decision to terminate
a politician who violated principles advocated by deontology). Your paper must include a complete description of the theory and also describe how YOU think this theory impacted the political decision.
Introduction with a clearly defined thesis statement
Clearly define the theory you are referencing Clearly define the policy, practice or decision that has been influenced by this theory Body of your paper contains fully developed paragraphs Conclusion
you may research deontology and explain how their theory impacted a political decision (perhaps the decision to terminate
a politician who violated principles advocated by deontology). Your paper must include a complete description of the theory and also describe how YOU think this theory impacted the political decision.
Introduction with a clearly defined thesis statement
Clearly define the theory you are referencing Clearly define the policy, practice or decision that has been influenced by this theory Body of your paper contains fully developed paragraphs Conclusion
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Employee Relations Management Assessment
Employee Relations Management Assessment
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Same sex recongnition
Same sex recongnition
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assessment of the book blowback
We Americans deeply believe that our role in the world isvirtuousthat our actions are almost invariably for the good of others as well as ourselves, Even when our countrys actions have led to disaster, we assume that the motives behind them were honorable. But the evidence is building up that in the decade following the end of the Cold War, the U.S. largely abandoned a reliance upon diplomacy, economic aid, international law, and multilateral organizations in carrying out its policies and resorted much of the time to bluster, military force and financial manipulation.
Chalmers Johnson offersthis brutal criticism of U.S. policy in the 1990s. using U.S. policies in Indonesia, North and South Korea, Japan, and China, as well as U.S. policies like arms sales and JCET to bolster his case While his comments onAl Qaeda at the start of the book appear prophetic his dire predictions for Asia (his area of expertise) do not seem to have
been as accurate. In a short (5-6 page. double-spaced) essay, assess his evidence, arguments, and predictions of blowback against the U.S in these nations as a result of these policies. What U.S. policies that he discusses (if any) should be changed?
Chalmers Johnson offersthis brutal criticism of U.S. policy in the 1990s. using U.S. policies in Indonesia, North and South Korea, Japan, and China, as well as U.S. policies like arms sales and JCET to bolster his case While his comments onAl Qaeda at the start of the book appear prophetic his dire predictions for Asia (his area of expertise) do not seem to have
been as accurate. In a short (5-6 page. double-spaced) essay, assess his evidence, arguments, and predictions of blowback against the U.S in these nations as a result of these policies. What U.S. policies that he discusses (if any) should be changed?
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Time management in tertiary study
Time management in tertiary study
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Chinese Arts Assessment
Chinese Arts Assessment
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Principles of Coaching Report
Principles of Coaching Report
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‘Voluntary Disclosures in Australian Corporate Sector'
‘Voluntary Disclosures in Australian Corporate Sector'
Select two Australian companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) having voluntary disclosures made on ‘corporate social responsibility’ (i.e. sustainability reporting) of environmental, social and economic reporting (triple bottom line).
Use Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) web-site for ‘CR1 guidelines(G3 or G3.1 or G4) as well as list of Australian companies providing sustainability report
(https:/Iwww.g lob alrepo rting. org/network/regional-n etworksIgri-f ocal- pointslfo ca I-p oint-austra liaiPa qes/def ault. aspx).
In your essay, critically evaluate environmental, soäal and economic reporting followed by each companies whether consistent with the requirements of the CR1 guidelines for the satisfaction of stakeholders to ensure accountability and transparency. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their reporting and disclosure as well as major differences along with your recommendations how to minimise voluntary reporting and disclosure gaps between them.
Do not attach a copy of the sustainability reporting. lnstead,to verify provide the web address of both Co mpanies.
Specific and descriptive criteria to follow:
(1) There must be an introduction and conclusion section and references, if any, and website address of the selected compan ies where from sustainability reports are down loaded
(2) There must be a brief discussion of the selected listed companies and their operating activities in the respective industry sector. Preferred sectors are mining, utilities, manufacturing etc. being sensitive to environmental and other social and economic reporting.
(3) Adequate discussion on environmental, social and economic disclosure in reference to respective CR1 disdosure guidelines. Abetter understanding of conceptsofvoluntary disclosure as well as reporting is expected
(4) There must be an analysis of reporting practices asin point (3) above whether CR1 disclosure guidelines are properly followed or not. The strengths and weaknesses of reporting should be identified from the stakeholders’ perspective. In evaluating voluntary Triple Bottom Line (TBL) reporting practices, any relevant comment or recommendation should be taken into account.
(5) The reporting practices of both companies as in point (3) must be compared with a decision which company is in
compliance with respective CR1 disclosure guidelinesthan the other and why and how more compliance is achievable. In evaluating voluntary disclosure practices, any relevant comment or recommendation should be taken into account.
Select two Australian companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) having voluntary disclosures made on ‘corporate social responsibility’ (i.e. sustainability reporting) of environmental, social and economic reporting (triple bottom line).
Use Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) web-site for ‘CR1 guidelines(G3 or G3.1 or G4) as well as list of Australian companies providing sustainability report
(https:/Iwww.g lob alrepo rting. org/network/regional-n etworksIgri-f ocal- pointslfo ca I-p oint-austra liaiPa qes/def ault. aspx).
In your essay, critically evaluate environmental, soäal and economic reporting followed by each companies whether consistent with the requirements of the CR1 guidelines for the satisfaction of stakeholders to ensure accountability and transparency. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their reporting and disclosure as well as major differences along with your recommendations how to minimise voluntary reporting and disclosure gaps between them.
Do not attach a copy of the sustainability reporting. lnstead,to verify provide the web address of both Co mpanies.
Specific and descriptive criteria to follow:
(1) There must be an introduction and conclusion section and references, if any, and website address of the selected compan ies where from sustainability reports are down loaded
(2) There must be a brief discussion of the selected listed companies and their operating activities in the respective industry sector. Preferred sectors are mining, utilities, manufacturing etc. being sensitive to environmental and other social and economic reporting.
(3) Adequate discussion on environmental, social and economic disclosure in reference to respective CR1 disdosure guidelines. Abetter understanding of conceptsofvoluntary disclosure as well as reporting is expected
(4) There must be an analysis of reporting practices asin point (3) above whether CR1 disclosure guidelines are properly followed or not. The strengths and weaknesses of reporting should be identified from the stakeholders’ perspective. In evaluating voluntary Triple Bottom Line (TBL) reporting practices, any relevant comment or recommendation should be taken into account.
(5) The reporting practices of both companies as in point (3) must be compared with a decision which company is in
compliance with respective CR1 disclosure guidelinesthan the other and why and how more compliance is achievable. In evaluating voluntary disclosure practices, any relevant comment or recommendation should be taken into account.
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report that critically analyses the adoption of SAP system in business organization
report that critically analyses the adoption of SAP system in business organization
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Young Indigenous women aged between 13-18 who have experienced physical violence in nsw or a remote area
Young Indigenous women aged between 13-18 who have experienced physical violence in nsw or a remote area
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case study--Toyota-internal environment
case study--Toyota-internal environment
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home countries intervene in FDI
home countries intervene in FDI
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Marketing Plan Report (KLEENMAID ST GEORGE)
Marketing Plan Report (KLEENMAID ST GEORGE)
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Government-Business Relations
Government-Business Relations, Do international institutions such as the WTO and the OECD help or hinder democracy? Discuss, drawing upon the concept of the “democratic deficit” and using examples from the case study countries
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“Analyse the influences of the internal and external factors on consumer decision process concerning the online shopping behaviour”
“Analyse the influences of the internal and external factors on consumer decision process concerning the online shopping behaviour”
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Three characteristics of Arabidopsis that make it a suitable model organism
Three characteristics of Arabidopsis that make it a suitable model organism
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Government Business Relations - Summative Essay
Government Business Relations - Summative Essay
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Invasion of the public sphere: how informed are we?
Invasion of the public sphere: how informed are we?
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System and Security Administration
System and Security Administration
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An Ethical Analysis of the Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport
An Ethical Analysis of the Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sport
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online shopping behaviour - External influencing factors of online clothing industry
online shopping behaviour - External influencing factors of online clothing industry
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Project Analysis Report - reinforce the importance of project definition and needs identification in the initial phase of the project life cycle
Project Analysis Report - reinforce the importance of project definition and needs identification in the initial phase of the project life cycle
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Townsend, K., Burgess J., Wilkinson, A., (2013) Is enterprise bargaining still a better way of working? Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(1), pp.100-117
Explain and critically evaluate the central argument and methodology in the article by Townsend, K., Burgess J., Wilkinson, A., (2013) Is enterprise bargaining still a better way of working? Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(1), pp.100-117
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Competition and oligopolistic behaviours in the airline industry
Competition and oligopolistic behaviours in the airline industry
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Management theorists( or 'Thinker' )
Management theorists( or 'Thinker' )
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Critically evaluate the social implications of decision making in management accounting with examples
Critically evaluate the social implications of decision making in management accounting with examples
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Advanture Tourism
Advanture Tourism
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People with Mobility Impairment
People with Mobility Impairment
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SAMSUNG investment report
SAMSUNG investment report
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Body as weapon : Critically examine the theories put forward to explain the use of the body as a weapon. Which do you consider to be the most adequate?
Body as weapon : Critically examine the theories put forward to explain the use of the body as a weapon. Which do you consider to be the most adequate?
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Impact of Hydraulic fracturing Report
Impact of Hydraulic fracturing Report
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Based on a visit to an early years setting
Based on a visit to an early years setting, write a critical analysis of the provision of the setting, with reference to aspects of the curriculum and how educators develop, maintain and interpret the curriculum.
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A case study which provides a critical analysis of the management of provision of the setting focusing on the following factors
A case study which provides a critical analysis of the management of provision of the setting focusing on the following factors: The managers roles and responsibilities and the government early years policies that influence the management of provision
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Foundations of Law
Foundations of Law
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Health literacy application
Health literacy application
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Zara: Chic and fast fashion
Zara: Chic and fast fashion
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Workplace Diversity How is workplace diversity affecting the work of a human resource professional working for an organization in a major such as London?
Workplace Diversity
How is workplace diversity affecting the work of a human resource professional working for an organization in a major such as London?
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modeling of Crowdsourcing Report
modeling of Crowdsourcing Report
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Business process( Making a poster )
Business process( Making a poster )
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Integrated supply chain Management Assessment
Integrated supply chain Management Assessment
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Procurement and Purchasing Strategies Assessment
Procurement and Purchasing Strategies Assessment
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Marketing Research Report - case study : Marriott: Marketing Research Leads to Expanded Offerings
Marketing Research Report - case study : Marriott: Marketing Research Leads to Expanded Offerings
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Detailed discussion of the Saudi labor law which makes it so unique
Detailed discussion of the Saudi labor law which makes it so unique
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Why Communication is Important?
Why Communication is Important?
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Detailed discussion of the Saudi labor law which makes it so unique
Detailed discussion of the Saudi labor law which makes it so unique
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MARKETING ASSIGNMENT - Freedom (home wear only),
MARKETING ASSIGNMENT - Freedom (home wear only),
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Using one of the theoretical lenses discussed in this unit, analyse a recent policy decision in a country of your choice
Using one of the theoretical lenses discussed in this unit, analyse a recent policy decision in a country of your choice
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Monday, April 14, 2014
Need Help with an Essay!!!!
Victim's Experience with Restorative Justice
Research Paper: Bimodal/Bilingual in deaf children
Quality Management in Business
English Phonology and Constraint Based Phonology
Soul of Money
Conversation Analysis for 2 Conversations / Analysis of one chapter of Business English textbook
Strategic management: Market place board report
Medicinal Marijuana dispensaries I used the comparison of Tobacco and Pharmaceutical companies..
The Professor wants a Heading with each of the # below and then expand upon each.
Philosophy, Essay: Capital Punishment
Discuss and critically evaluate research into the decision-making processes of property crime
offenders. Your essay should focus on research that has adopted a “grounded approach” (i.e. the
work of Bennett, Wright, Logie, Nee, Taylor and colleagues).
Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)
Contemporary and International Issues in Business Ethics
SWOT analysis for Waterford Wedgwood
Hominin Discussion Paper: the evidence for early human evolution
Issues in Global Cinema:Discuss how Tlatli’s film presents Alia’s relationships with her mother,
Khedija, and her lover, Lofti, so as to provide an exploration of national identity – Tunisia’s
past and Tunisia’s future
First Adoption of IFRS by an entity in particular country – a case study
Research Paper: Consonants in old and middle english
Relating the theme of 'Women as passive victims of war during Spanish civil war '(1936-1939) to
Lucia Sanchez Saornil's poem omance de la vida, Pasion y muerte de la Lavandera del Guadalmedina'
Video games addiction
Dickinson College: Inspiration for a Leadership Story
Research Paper: How Walmart is becoming a monopoly
Market Structure and Financial Stability
Therapeutic Relationship - Video Role Play and Written Critique
Critique of selected journal articles by CASP tool
How might a researchers position shape the processes and outcomes of their research (Use an
example from your own discipline/programme to illustrate your answer)? Is reflexivity a sufficient
protection against the risks of positionality?
State vs. federal legalization of marijuana
Background history of Facebook and the expected future
Sociology, Coursework: Affirmative Action
Research Paper: The History of Information Security from Ancient Egypt to Present day
the John Edwards scandal
report for advertisements
Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia);
Creative Technology and Film (Business Plan)
Porter's Five Forces Framework in relation to the the food industry in Warsaw
information technology for the workplace
Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, CAQDAS: How can you carry out an analysis of data by
using NVivo
Cause and effect essay on Great Depression
Marketing the Eco-Shack Research Paper
Lichen distribution and focal species Report
marketing assignment - Emirates ( Ruize)
CMS Web Application Development
Matt HIV
summary of
Critical Analysis of a Health Promotion Initiative
Coleridge and Wordsworth Fall out
How Brazil's GDP will be affected before and after the World Cup.?
Hogh-Olesen Reflection
To investigate how green marketing helps Toyota to promote brand loyalty: In case of young adults.
Ethical and Risk issues related to Best worker by staff vote
genetically modified foods Report
Sight for all Case Study
Schrripa Commercial Lawyers Assessment
Shark culling in Western Australia and subsequent public relations implications Assessment
Accounting Information System - Theoretical foundation and overview
E- Marketing Plan
case analysis -- Apple
A truthful covering letter
how terroir can assist in increasing wine sales, marketing
poster about subway
Company and association Law
How do the affordances of a networked media culture (hyperlinks, multimedia, sharing etc.) enhance
online communication? How do people use social networking services to construct their identities,
and how do social connections form part of those
Product placements Assessment
"What Maisie Knew" by Henry James review
Buyer Behaviour Case Study
Critical analysis of published research
Should 'offensive' speech be subject to regulation?
The national health insurance system “Medigood”
Case Study ( MTV passing in India)
Psychological state of consumer behaviour
solid mechanics experiment Variation of Deflection of a Simply supported Beam with Load Beam
Thickness and material
supermarket trolley Assessment
the translation of united arab emirates local proverbs
Speaker Repsonse # 1 Alana Lajoie-O'Malley
Speaker Repsonse # 2 Jamie Oliviero
How does the E-government development benefit itself and society?
BSC Flexibility & the Customer Perspective
Identifying Long Term Trends
private law theorist - Richard A. Posner
Contemporary Communication: Making Sense of Text, Image and Meaning Exercise: Literature Review
Critically discuss the relationship between ‘social policy’ and ‘social problems’.
The Impact of Web 2.0 Technology on an international firm’s approach to Managing the Global Market
county supervisors meeting
Philosophy of Happiness
Case study Toyota
Strategic analysis and context evaluation (Modify)
Why bother with theory? Part II History
How does the idea and practice of security differ in an empire, international anarchy, or
international society? Part III Current Events
Is Clausewitz's On War relevant in the 21st century?
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia
Asian Entrepreneurship &Innovation: Business Report
Impact of microwave treatment on crop seed germination and growth
Accounting analysis assess of Myer
Australian ambulance services adult resuscitation clinical practice guidelines are created
according to best practice using credible evidence”
British mix design Report
Reflection about attending a session in any court of western australia
Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence
What are the impacts of global financial crisis on the insurance industry in the USA. How
effective are the US government’s policies in tackling from its impacts.?
A Film that reflect the topic - Teams and teamwork in a organisation
One new change, building
hand hygiene in hospital Assessment
Small Business Use of the Internet
ecology of language Report
Healthcare Leadership Article Analysis
Project Scope Time & Cost Management
Brazilian drought hits coffee crops • From: Weekly Times Now
pneumatic linear actuator
Media & Communication Management
The first assignment involves choosing a social issue (drug addition) relev ant to the needs of a
community organisation that you wish to investigate. Using the creative idea generation and media
communication tools you will learn through the first four modules? you will develop the idea about
your chosen topic into a coherent and complete proposal for an engaging audiovisual promotional
clip for a community organisation. You will document the creative process you undertake through
brainstorming your chosen org anisation and researching the topic.
The creative process, your research and the preproduction tasks will be recorded in a Visual
Journal progressively beginning in Week 1. The Visual Journal will form the basis of the
‘promotional clip?
the role of business continuity management both within the organisation and the contribution it
makes to national resilience
Ivory as a commodity
For some reason, many people are willing to buy illegally traded elephant tusks as jewelry items
or ornaments in their living rooms The Ivory trade has resulted in the extermination of over 70%
of the worlds elephants, and this has pushed many elephant species to the verge of extinction,
Unfortunately, this trade is still ongoing.
your audience would be consumers who are ready to pay large sums of money for ivory, and who may
not be aware of the consequence of their actions.
accident reduction through effective maintenance
Relating the theme of 'Women as passive victims of war during Spanish civil war '(1936-1939) to
Lucia Sanchez Saornil's poem omance de la vida, Pasion y muerte de la Lavandera del Guadalmedina'\
Enhanced Security Features
Dickinson College: Inspiration for a Leadership Story
Therapeutic Relationship - Video Role Play and Written Critique
Research Paper: The History of Information Security from Ancient Egypt to Present day
A happy life is a meaningful life.
France - Unsustainable welfare state is killing jobs and opportunity
Is the Shale Revolution just hype? Discuss with reference to two examples.
To what extent does Racism/Sexism exist in the present workplace and the does concept of the Model
Minority play a role?
Research Paper: Women in Howthrone and James
Citizen Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence / Citizen Journalism in the Digital Age
Discuss the learning environment on reggio emilia, steiner and montessori early years settings
UK TV drama analysis
Six Sigma Green Belt. Black Belt and Master Belt and differentiations among these three belts
Bankruptcy Fraud
Bilingualism comparison-contrast
Term Paper: Artifical Intelligence
salem witchcraft trials
Random House analysis
Facebook – The Universal Diary
Two approaches to parenting
international marketing strategy and plan for Shuttersong.
The assignment is to analyse the film from an intercultural communication perspective, applying
one or more of the theoretical frameworks covered in the course, and then present your analysis
Selection and Decision Making Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is develop a selection process and decision making model for the
position of coop/career advisor position in an organization.
a cause-effect essay: An act of violence
the behaviors and events depicted in one of the films listed below
- View the film you choose at least once. (Two viewings may offer a distinct advantage).
Then, after reviewing your notes and readings:
(a) briefly describe the relevant scene, providing details about what aspect of the disorder was
(b) describe in detail the psychological disorder illustrated in the film, bringing in research
findings as much as possible (that is, briefly state the findings of relevant experiments in your
references); and
(c) elaborate on how the selected scene conforms and/or fails to conform to the psychological
disorder you have identified, as well as to the research findings that support the principle (for
example, describe how the scene is similar to or different from relevant experiments you have
Films: Psychological Disorder
1. Memento (Anterograde Amnesia)
2. Adam (Asperger’s Syndrome)
3. A Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia)
4. Sybil (or The Three Faces of Eve) (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
5. Single White Female (Borderline Personality Disorder)
Procurement methods
(i) What is the difference between a procurement lifecycle and a project or procurement supply
(ii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach or method of construction
Purpose and learning outcomes The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of
how the principles of
construction procurement relate to the selection and implementation of a procurement strategy. It
is intended to develop your understanding of construction procurement methods and how they may be
applied to various types of projects. It is also intended to develop presentation and
communication skills.
Describe the Generational Differences In Learning Needs and Style
Analyze "nature fights back" in term of slavoj zizek's violence and binary oppositions
Role of social media for business
Prepare an academic essay suggesting how Entrepreneurs might inform, or be informed by the
management of projects
Media/Cultural Representation Analysis
1. Read EnglandKennedy (2008)
2. Watch the South Park Episode “Timmy 2000”
3. Choose a character from one of the following TV shows or movies. Make sure you know the
character well enough to be able to write about him knowledgeably:
o Walter White Jr. (Breaking Bad) played by RJ Mitte
o Sam Dawson (I am Sam) played by Sean Penn
o Christy Brown (My Left Foot) played by Daniel Day-Lewis
4. Write your paper following the guidelines below. Rely on EnglandKennedy (2008) as a model.
Research Paper, Psychology: Computerized Therapy
short story rock springs by richard ford
Exit Strategy for De'Vie Luxury Independent livin Community
Research Paper: Bimodal/Bilingual in deaf children
Quality Management in Business
English Phonology and Constraint Based Phonology
Soul of Money
Conversation Analysis for 2 Conversations / Analysis of one chapter of Business English textbook
Strategic management: Market place board report
Medicinal Marijuana dispensaries I used the comparison of Tobacco and Pharmaceutical companies..
The Professor wants a Heading with each of the # below and then expand upon each.
Philosophy, Essay: Capital Punishment
Discuss and critically evaluate research into the decision-making processes of property crime
offenders. Your essay should focus on research that has adopted a “grounded approach” (i.e. the
work of Bennett, Wright, Logie, Nee, Taylor and colleagues).
Personal Development Portfolio (PDP)
Contemporary and International Issues in Business Ethics
SWOT analysis for Waterford Wedgwood
Hominin Discussion Paper: the evidence for early human evolution
Issues in Global Cinema:Discuss how Tlatli’s film presents Alia’s relationships with her mother,
Khedija, and her lover, Lofti, so as to provide an exploration of national identity – Tunisia’s
past and Tunisia’s future
First Adoption of IFRS by an entity in particular country – a case study
Research Paper: Consonants in old and middle english
Relating the theme of 'Women as passive victims of war during Spanish civil war '(1936-1939) to
Lucia Sanchez Saornil's poem omance de la vida, Pasion y muerte de la Lavandera del Guadalmedina'
Video games addiction
Dickinson College: Inspiration for a Leadership Story
Research Paper: How Walmart is becoming a monopoly
Market Structure and Financial Stability
Therapeutic Relationship - Video Role Play and Written Critique
Critique of selected journal articles by CASP tool
How might a researchers position shape the processes and outcomes of their research (Use an
example from your own discipline/programme to illustrate your answer)? Is reflexivity a sufficient
protection against the risks of positionality?
State vs. federal legalization of marijuana
Background history of Facebook and the expected future
Sociology, Coursework: Affirmative Action
Research Paper: The History of Information Security from Ancient Egypt to Present day
the John Edwards scandal
report for advertisements
Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia);
Creative Technology and Film (Business Plan)
Porter's Five Forces Framework in relation to the the food industry in Warsaw
information technology for the workplace
Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, CAQDAS: How can you carry out an analysis of data by
using NVivo
Cause and effect essay on Great Depression
Marketing the Eco-Shack Research Paper
Lichen distribution and focal species Report
marketing assignment - Emirates ( Ruize)
CMS Web Application Development
Matt HIV
summary of
Critical Analysis of a Health Promotion Initiative
Coleridge and Wordsworth Fall out
How Brazil's GDP will be affected before and after the World Cup.?
Hogh-Olesen Reflection
To investigate how green marketing helps Toyota to promote brand loyalty: In case of young adults.
Ethical and Risk issues related to Best worker by staff vote
genetically modified foods Report
Sight for all Case Study
Schrripa Commercial Lawyers Assessment
Shark culling in Western Australia and subsequent public relations implications Assessment
Accounting Information System - Theoretical foundation and overview
E- Marketing Plan
case analysis -- Apple
A truthful covering letter
how terroir can assist in increasing wine sales, marketing
poster about subway
Company and association Law
How do the affordances of a networked media culture (hyperlinks, multimedia, sharing etc.) enhance
online communication? How do people use social networking services to construct their identities,
and how do social connections form part of those
Product placements Assessment
"What Maisie Knew" by Henry James review
Buyer Behaviour Case Study
Critical analysis of published research
Should 'offensive' speech be subject to regulation?
The national health insurance system “Medigood”
Case Study ( MTV passing in India)
Psychological state of consumer behaviour
solid mechanics experiment Variation of Deflection of a Simply supported Beam with Load Beam
Thickness and material
supermarket trolley Assessment
the translation of united arab emirates local proverbs
Speaker Repsonse # 1 Alana Lajoie-O'Malley
Speaker Repsonse # 2 Jamie Oliviero
How does the E-government development benefit itself and society?
BSC Flexibility & the Customer Perspective
Identifying Long Term Trends
private law theorist - Richard A. Posner
Contemporary Communication: Making Sense of Text, Image and Meaning Exercise: Literature Review
Critically discuss the relationship between ‘social policy’ and ‘social problems’.
The Impact of Web 2.0 Technology on an international firm’s approach to Managing the Global Market
county supervisors meeting
Philosophy of Happiness
Case study Toyota
Strategic analysis and context evaluation (Modify)
Why bother with theory? Part II History
How does the idea and practice of security differ in an empire, international anarchy, or
international society? Part III Current Events
Is Clausewitz's On War relevant in the 21st century?
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia
Asian Entrepreneurship &Innovation: Business Report
Impact of microwave treatment on crop seed germination and growth
Accounting analysis assess of Myer
Australian ambulance services adult resuscitation clinical practice guidelines are created
according to best practice using credible evidence”
British mix design Report
Reflection about attending a session in any court of western australia
Factors that Impact the Implementation of Service Excellence
What are the impacts of global financial crisis on the insurance industry in the USA. How
effective are the US government’s policies in tackling from its impacts.?
A Film that reflect the topic - Teams and teamwork in a organisation
One new change, building
hand hygiene in hospital Assessment
Small Business Use of the Internet
ecology of language Report
Healthcare Leadership Article Analysis
Project Scope Time & Cost Management
Brazilian drought hits coffee crops • From: Weekly Times Now
pneumatic linear actuator
Media & Communication Management
The first assignment involves choosing a social issue (drug addition) relev ant to the needs of a
community organisation that you wish to investigate. Using the creative idea generation and media
communication tools you will learn through the first four modules? you will develop the idea about
your chosen topic into a coherent and complete proposal for an engaging audiovisual promotional
clip for a community organisation. You will document the creative process you undertake through
brainstorming your chosen org anisation and researching the topic.
The creative process, your research and the preproduction tasks will be recorded in a Visual
Journal progressively beginning in Week 1. The Visual Journal will form the basis of the
‘promotional clip?
the role of business continuity management both within the organisation and the contribution it
makes to national resilience
Ivory as a commodity
For some reason, many people are willing to buy illegally traded elephant tusks as jewelry items
or ornaments in their living rooms The Ivory trade has resulted in the extermination of over 70%
of the worlds elephants, and this has pushed many elephant species to the verge of extinction,
Unfortunately, this trade is still ongoing.
your audience would be consumers who are ready to pay large sums of money for ivory, and who may
not be aware of the consequence of their actions.
accident reduction through effective maintenance
Relating the theme of 'Women as passive victims of war during Spanish civil war '(1936-1939) to
Lucia Sanchez Saornil's poem omance de la vida, Pasion y muerte de la Lavandera del Guadalmedina'\
Enhanced Security Features
Dickinson College: Inspiration for a Leadership Story
Therapeutic Relationship - Video Role Play and Written Critique
Research Paper: The History of Information Security from Ancient Egypt to Present day
A happy life is a meaningful life.
France - Unsustainable welfare state is killing jobs and opportunity
Is the Shale Revolution just hype? Discuss with reference to two examples.
To what extent does Racism/Sexism exist in the present workplace and the does concept of the Model
Minority play a role?
Research Paper: Women in Howthrone and James
Citizen Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence / Citizen Journalism in the Digital Age
Discuss the learning environment on reggio emilia, steiner and montessori early years settings
UK TV drama analysis
Six Sigma Green Belt. Black Belt and Master Belt and differentiations among these three belts
Bankruptcy Fraud
Bilingualism comparison-contrast
Term Paper: Artifical Intelligence
salem witchcraft trials
Random House analysis
Facebook – The Universal Diary
Two approaches to parenting
international marketing strategy and plan for Shuttersong.
The assignment is to analyse the film from an intercultural communication perspective, applying
one or more of the theoretical frameworks covered in the course, and then present your analysis
Selection and Decision Making Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is develop a selection process and decision making model for the
position of coop/career advisor position in an organization.
a cause-effect essay: An act of violence
the behaviors and events depicted in one of the films listed below
- View the film you choose at least once. (Two viewings may offer a distinct advantage).
Then, after reviewing your notes and readings:
(a) briefly describe the relevant scene, providing details about what aspect of the disorder was
(b) describe in detail the psychological disorder illustrated in the film, bringing in research
findings as much as possible (that is, briefly state the findings of relevant experiments in your
references); and
(c) elaborate on how the selected scene conforms and/or fails to conform to the psychological
disorder you have identified, as well as to the research findings that support the principle (for
example, describe how the scene is similar to or different from relevant experiments you have
Films: Psychological Disorder
1. Memento (Anterograde Amnesia)
2. Adam (Asperger’s Syndrome)
3. A Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia)
4. Sybil (or The Three Faces of Eve) (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
5. Single White Female (Borderline Personality Disorder)
Procurement methods
(i) What is the difference between a procurement lifecycle and a project or procurement supply
(ii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach or method of construction
Purpose and learning outcomes The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of
how the principles of
construction procurement relate to the selection and implementation of a procurement strategy. It
is intended to develop your understanding of construction procurement methods and how they may be
applied to various types of projects. It is also intended to develop presentation and
communication skills.
Describe the Generational Differences In Learning Needs and Style
Analyze "nature fights back" in term of slavoj zizek's violence and binary oppositions
Role of social media for business
Prepare an academic essay suggesting how Entrepreneurs might inform, or be informed by the
management of projects
Media/Cultural Representation Analysis
1. Read EnglandKennedy (2008)
2. Watch the South Park Episode “Timmy 2000”
3. Choose a character from one of the following TV shows or movies. Make sure you know the
character well enough to be able to write about him knowledgeably:
o Walter White Jr. (Breaking Bad) played by RJ Mitte
o Sam Dawson (I am Sam) played by Sean Penn
o Christy Brown (My Left Foot) played by Daniel Day-Lewis
4. Write your paper following the guidelines below. Rely on EnglandKennedy (2008) as a model.
Research Paper, Psychology: Computerized Therapy
short story rock springs by richard ford
Exit Strategy for De'Vie Luxury Independent livin Community
Need Help in an Essay
What is the role of law in business
compare and contrast Functionalism and Marxism across ONE of the following dimensions: motivation to work, exploitation, or status/prestige
Write a report on HRM practices and issues of an organization of your choice] It will be HSBC in saudi arabia (]
Mega projects delivery in the UAE
Commercial Banking Regulation in Australia
"Schedule Delay Analysis Techniques in Industry & Research"
Describe the contribution of logistics to the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) for a manufacturing firm AND a service firm. Use actual examples of organisations and products/services for both industries to support your answers
Strategic Portfolio and Programme Management in (Project management )
Exploring single parent families
introduction to British society and culture
How business respond to sustainability challenges
Internal Motivation and Early Childhood Education Research Paper
Should the accounting profession bear any of the blame for the financial crisis which began in 2007/08?
Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia)
Research the advanced nursing role of the nurse practitioner. Find 2 research articles and 1 expert opinion article about this role, and summarize the articles in a 2-3 page paper. The articles must be current (not more than 5 years old).
Creating a NAIOS Human Rights Convention
The term ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ is an inappropriate misnomer, partly because it fails to distinguish the sequence in which dispute resolution processes are used; and partly because it fails to separate the adjudication processes
Selecting and Implementing Strategies of Instruction
Are prisons effective total institutions or do they more commonly fail in their goal of resocialization? Please compare and contrast how a conflict, a functionalist or an interactionist theorist would answer this question. Finally offer your opinion
The reasons behind the 1980's debit crisis.
Has traditional organised crime been more a source of support to the state than a challenge to it? 2)Does prison work? Can punishment can be re-imagined? What that would entail? Discuss, drawing on relevant sociological perspective.
Describe the biochemical basis of a disease that is a result of a single gene disorder
Writing for Different Cultures and Audiences
Nursing, Essay: Romantic Relationships
Dear Mrs. Roosevelt
Research Paper: Chemical Shale Instability & Inhibition
"Claire of the Sea Light"
Derek Kantaria has been a qualified mediator and arbitrator for seven years, during which time he has successfully mediated around 30 substantial disputes (as well as many less high-profile disputes); and has sat as arbitrator on eight occasions in import
Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs
Archimedes' Principle
Foreign policy dilemma of..... the writer can choose any country and talk about issues and solutions of the country
What role does assessment play in the teaching and learning of Mathematics?
“The transition to a low carbon economy presents the UK construction industry with terrific opportunities for growth. There are also opportunities through greater resource efficiency and from adaptation of our built environment to deal with climate change
Critically appraise the fiscal strategy of the UK Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government
Intermodal Freight and Global Operations/ Management
Creativity in dance
Strategic Consulting in Practice
Environmental Science- make up a hypothetical disaster scenario
Outline in a 1,500 words the characteristics of Social Media and Generation Y and the close relationship between the two with a case example.
Find and Research a Canadian or American vicarious liability court case. Conduct an academic review of the details of the key players involved, of the charges laid, of the outcome and of the overall significance of the case. ( remember: Military cases may be used, although sometimes cases are more difficult to locate due to policy and department clauses).
US COnstitution
Completed the research and create a letter. This letter should be a description of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Once you have described both of these documents use the list of grievances and the Bill of Rights to make connections between them. Please use notes from the attached documents to supplement the research you have done here on the internet. The bulk of facts; however, should be derived from this WebQuest.
Discuss how supply and demand drive the transportation industry? In your opinion, how does the transportation industry affect the environment?
What are the pros and cons of the current highway funding structure as related the taxes paid by motor carriers? How do you think sustainability efforts by Walmart will impact the larger logistics industry? Watch the following video and explain what you think about how this program of companies encouraging their people to be positive role models.
Air Carriers
Research an air incident that was considered to be the airlines fault because of safety violations. Give the details of the cases and the url for the case (only include the url at the end of the post). Lastly, give your opinion of why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting their employees.
Global Transportation
Why did the author of this week's reading find it necessary to compare the European and North American systems; are they really that different? How do costs of transportation impact global trade?
Style of 3 colonial regions-w1a2
Integrated assessment on case study for Choc Deluxe
Intro into the black arts era 1831-1850.
W1a3-american colonial architecture
Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary
There were a number of connections between Romanticism, socialism, liberalism, as well as other ideologies and events between 1789 and 1850. Describe some of the ways in which these movements and events were connected and informed one another
International power politics provided one of the most important antecedents to World War I. What diplomatic circumstances and political rivalries developed between European powers during the later nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries that set the stage
Describe a significant challenge or opportunity in your life and the impact it has had on you. Use this essay to discuss an experience demonstrating your leadership outside the classroom.'
What are the contributions of an individual architect to the modern movement in architecture based on a study of one of the following: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Application and Technology Architectures
'What is income? In the context of a review of the income theories of Fisher and Hicks critically evaluate the challenge to the use of Hicksian income theory in accounting policy by Bromwich, Macve and Sunder (2010).'
A critique of movie Waiting for ‘Superman’
Nature of Thought Paper
Include the following in your paper:
1. What is thinking?
What makes human thinking unique?
How and why do humans express their thoughts?
If humans can't think without memory, then it is obviously very important. In what ways can you enhance your memory?
2. Identify an instance in your life in which your perception of the real situation was far from the actual facts.
What did you think was going on?
What was really going on?
Why was there such a difference?
How did language empower or limit the expression of your thoughts?
What did you learn about your thinking by evaluating the situation again?
3. Describe the types of perceptual blocks that influence your views.
Identify personal barriers.
Illustrate an example of thought being influenced by barriers.
Neoclassical Architecture
Part I – Structural & Stylistic Identification
Identify two significant buildings, of different styles, from the periods in American architectural history discussed this week and provide the following identifying information:
• Name of structure
• Date of construction
• Geographical location
• Primary architectural style used in structure
• Architectural elements present in structure
You will also need to include at least three original sketches of specific architectural elements as visually related to their location on each particular structure.
Part II – Cultural Analysis
Identify and discuss each structure’s architect and patron and discuss how their relationship, and other factors such as cultural, political, economic, religious, and social influences shaped the design of the structures. This section should consist of no less than 400 words in total.
Part III – Topical Issue
Discuss how the function and use of the building relates to the buildings’ structure and concept.
Describe the similarities that exist among the phases of system engineering and software development. Explain how phases under each discipline complement one another to provide an efficient solution. Determine which discipline would be optimal for Web development, cloud computing, and security systems. Support your answer with a specific rationale or illustration.
Write a position paper that takes a stand on a controversial issue. Your introduction should present your issue, provide background, and state the claim you intend to support. In constructing your claim, strive to develop audience-based reasons. The body of your argument should summarize and respond to opposing views as well as present reasons and evidence in support of your own position. You should use the persuasive model we discussed in class to organize your argument. End your essay with your strongest arguments. Try also to include appeals to pathos and to create a credible ethos
Your project for the next two weeks is to explore web 2.0 on-line tools and/or applications and prepare a powerpoint presentation explaining the on-line tools and/or applications, write a review, explain how to use the technology, its use, show visual examples, add the link to the application and a title slide for each. You will also have an overall title slide listing the 3 on-line tools and/or applications that you will present along with your name, date, course title and professor's name. Please make sure the written material is in your own words. You must research (4) different types of on-line tools and/or applications. The on-line tools and/or applications must be completely different category.
Find and research TWO Creation Stories. Write with a respectful and comparative approach. Use your critical thinking, objective reasoning, and reflective self knowledge. Your heart and spirit will converge by respect, not judgment.
Research Paper Texas slavery
history of child labor
Sociological Analysis of Media
Questions on Aquinas
1) Aquinas considers love a passion. Explain how he defines this and give an example which illustrates it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this understanding of love?
2)According to Aquinas' adaptation of Aristotle, what are the 5 things proper to friendship? give examples of each. Is there anything missing from Aquinas' list of what is proper to a friendship.
3) In Aquinas' thought what are the 3 ways that friendship relates to CARITAS?give examples
4) Why does Aquinas believe that a "person loves oneself more than he loves any other person" (pg 176) Explain your argument or disagreement with his reasoning.
5) Why should one love one's children more than one's parents and which parent did Aquinas suggest that one should love more and what was the reason for his believe? Since we know that he was working out of a faulty understanding of biological reproduction, how would you modify his teachings?
6)What is the distinction between benevolence and beneficence and give an example of each.
Scenario Analysis
Lon L. Fuller, former Carter Professor of Jurisprudence at Harvard Law School, observed in The Morality of Law, “Even if a man is answerable only to his conscience, he will answer more responsibly if he is compelled to articulate principles on which he acts.”
Source: Lon L. Fuller. (1975). The Morality of Law. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (p. 159)
In this Assignment you are required to apply Fuller’s Principle, as cited above, and respond to three real-life scenarios regarding ethical decision making within the field of criminal justice and policing.
In considering each of the three scenarios, you are asked to respond to the following four questions:
Is there a moral problem presented in the scenario? If so, what is it?
Does policy or law dictate an appropriate response, or does it require that professional discretion be applied?
What criteria (considerations), principles, and consequences should guide your decision?
What would you do? Articulate, justify, and defend your position.
First, read each scenario. Second, analyze the ethical dilemma within the context of the four questions specified above. Third, respond in writing to the each of the four questions.
The entire paper should be 2 – 4 pages in length. Each essay response should be brief, not more than one page. You may use references to support your responses, but the essay responses must be original.
Scenario 1 - Drugs at a Friend’s House
You are an off-duty police officer at a party at the house of an old high school friend. Everyone is still in the backyard drinking. You go into the house to use the restroom and observe several of your friend’s friends (whom you do not know) snorting cocaine. You do not know whether or not your friend has knowledge that people are using drugs in his house.
Scenario 2 - Accepting a Gift
It is the day before Christmas and you are a community police officer. An owner of a small market has been friendly to you throughout the year, and has participated faithfully in community crime-prevention meetings. He calls you behind the counter and gives you a fruit basket for your family, and a Christmas card with a $30 gift certificate as an expression of his appreciation.
Scenario 3 - Homosexual Partner
You are a supervisor on a medium-size police department. Office Ted Jones is an excellent officer and has been on the force for 16 years. He is also a homosexual and hangs out at a known gay bar in his off time. You have two person patrols and Jones was recently teamed with Officer James Davis. Officer Davis comes to you and asks to be assigned to another partner because Jones is a homosexual.
Compare and contrast the two methods of fieldwork in the two studies described in article on Gender &Sexuality in the Field and the excerpts from the book, The Tearoom Trade.
Although recently more attention has been dedicated to research on both women and psychology and the psychology of race, the history of psychology has told a story that would make one think it was a discipline that was created and developed solely by white men. Comment on this idea and discuss the implications of 1) barring women and people of colour from early psychology and 2) failing to properly acknowledge or document the achievements of women and people of colour who were involved in the development of psychology.
Understanding Career Opportunities
the major problems that emerged from the fall of the wall for the newly united Germany
What, in your opinion, were the major problems that emerged from the fall of the wall for the newly united Germany? Could some of these problems have been avoided? How? In answering these questions, you need to reflect upon and refer to the various events outlined in this lesson. Who were the players during the "two plus four" negotiations and what were their interests? What was the overall mood in Germany at the time and how would the alternatives you suggest have affected that mood?
The Forest Spiral hundertwasser building in Germany
What do the people in these cultures seem to believe about how they came to be?
What qualities do they share as a people? What seems important to them? Why does the creator in these tales make people in the first place?Do these people have a reason to be there?If people want to be like their creatos, what would a good person be like, and what would a bad person be like?
Research Paper: recent Federal Reserve monetary policy action
1. The objective of the Federal Reserve action.
2. An analysis of the mechanism behind how the Fed changes interest rates.
3. A description of the fiscal policy alternative that had the potential to achieve the same short-term goal and the associated pros and cons.
4. A discussion of the benefits and costs of an activist monetary policy in general.
Space, the amazing universe
According to substantivalists (e.g. Newton) space is an independent object that exists in and of itself. In other words, no other objects are required for space to exist. On the other side of the ontological debate, space is solely relational. Relationists (e.g. Leibniz) claim that the existence of space is dependent on other objects. if there were no objects, space would not exist.
Which side of the debate, if any, do you think provides the best description of space? Please explain
Physicist Brian Greene raises an interesting issue for philosophical consideration. He asks the question: why is the universe as it is? For instance, why are there four fundamental forces? Why not three or five? The inter-relationships among the subatomic, microscopic and massive, the delicate balance of the fundamental forces, they all work together to create the universe as we know it. One miniscule alteration of the property of a fundamental feature of the universe and the world would be vastly different.
For example: "An increase in the nuclear reaction rate would cause stars to burn out far more quickly, having a devastating effect on the formation of life as we know it. On the other hand, were the strength of the gravitational force to significantly decrease, matter would not clump together at all, thereby preventing the formation of galaxies.
It is evident that the universe is calibrated perfectly for the existence of life (as we know it). Do you think science can, in principle, provide a satisfactory or adequate explanation for why the fundamental properties of the universe are the way they are? Please explain.
Nurse-Sensitive Indicator Paper
court observation
Fair Wage
The purpose of this paper is to begin developing principles for what would count as a fair wage. One answer is simply to let actually existing markets do the work. If this is your answer, then you need to grapple with the problems unearthed in both Grapes of Wrath and the Holmstrom book.
If you reject that solution, presumably you reject it because actually existing markets impact human beings in ethically unacceptable ways. Your burden would then be to offer a plausible account of what would count as an 'acceptable' impact of wages....The more general you make this account (that is, the more principled) the better.
Why? Because a general account of fair wages can be used to apply to multiple cases rather than just one particular job.
Rainbows, Mirages, and the Green Flash
How are rainbows produced? Do you need to look toward or away from the sun? Does the sun need to be high or low in the sky? How is white sunlight split into colors? Why is there sometimes a secondary rainbow? How is it different from the primary rainbow? What are and where are the supernumerary arcs?
What produces mirages? What type of mirage do we most commonly see here in the desert southwest? Why does the ground look wet? What is a superior mirage? When (under what kinds of conditions) might you look for a superior mirage? How might you distinquish an inferior from a superior mirage?
The green flash is a little more complicated to explain. What did you learn about the green flash? Have you ever seen the green flash yourself?
1. Construct demand curves for two different consumers of cigarettes. One consumer has only recently started to smoke because her boyfriend does so and thus, has a relatively elastic demand curve (i.e. flat slope) and one consumer has smoked for 30 years and therefore has a relatively inelastic demand curve (i.e. steep slope). Draw the equilibrium position for both of the smokers, assuming the price of a pack of cigarettes were $3/pack. It is best to draw these graphs on separate but parallel graphs and then scan them in. 2. Assume that the government decides to tax the suppliers of cigarettes and therefore the price of a pack of cigarettes increases from $3/pack to $6 per pack (remember that a tax on suppliers will shift the supply curve up and back). Draw the resultant equilibrium. 3. Which of the consumers would change their consumption behavior the most? 4. Who bears the burden of the increased tax: the new smoker, the veteran smoker, or the supplier (note that in some cases suppliers can pass along a tax increase to their consumers and in some cases they cannot-describe this for each consumer)? You must cite your textbook and online sources.
The Social Responsibility of Business
Step One: Evaluate the Argument
a. Identify the issue that is addressed in the argument.
b. Explain the argument and identify the premises and conclusions.
c. Evaluate the argument. ? If the argument has a deductive component, is it valid and sound? Why?
? If the argument has an inductive component, is it strong or weak? Why?
? Remember that arguments often contain both inductive and deductive components. Do your best to identify all the arguments that are used to support the position presented in the piece.
Step Two: Create a Counterargument
a. Create a counterargument to the original argument. ? Present premises that support your own position while also pointing out the weaknesses inherent in the original argument. Avoid the use of fallacious reasoning and anecdotal evidence.
? If you are using inductive arguments, make sure that they are strong. If you are using deductive arguments, make sure that they are valid and attempt to provide sound premises.
? Use factual evidence and/or logical support from at least three scholarly sources to support your argument.
? This might require you to play “devil’s advocate.” Remember that you do not need to agree with the position for which you argue. You may need to take on an opposing position to your own personal view and argue from that position. Critical thinkers are able to take on opposing perspectives and identify the strongest arguments from those perspectives.
Epidemics and History First Paper
Beauty Dream
Having read both the ancient biography of Hadrian and a modern narrative of his reign and learned about his art and architecture, it is clear that Hadrian was in many respects an enigmatic figure.
Nutrition and Wellness
Research Paper, Law: why is freedom of speech important
Baston vs. Kentucky
Applying Literary Theory/Criticism
Fast Food Nation
Sacred Destination
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation about a vacation or a retreat to a sacred place in mythology, for example, the Oracle at Delphi or the Mahabodhi Temple. This place may or may not currently exist.
The use of images is encouraged.
Market Research
Now that you have figured out your "why" and how you would like to spend your time with work/life balance, it's time to start researching how to develop your "idea" for a business into an actual business.
Opinions on gun control by age group
Essay, History and Political Science: Madam C. J. Walker
Labor Market IssuesLabor Economics examines the organization, functioning, and outcomes of labor markets; the decisions of labor market
participants; and the policies relating to labor resources.I How do we "do" labor economics?
Research Paper: Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
Testosterone and REM sleep
The glass menagerie by tenesse williams
To what extent is understanding intentions necessary or helpful for toddlers' and preschoolers' psychological development in other domains?
Essay: William Wordsworth
Advisory role of the Supreme Court of Canada - Patriation reference and Quebec Veto Reference
Discuss the impact of culture on the expression and interpretation of clinically relevant individual differences.
Education - Texas Principal Preparation
Early Socialisation
Critically review the factors determining attachment and the findings of psychological research into bonding and attachment.
Analyse the variety of psychological perspectives on attachment and evaluate their practical significance.
Critically analyse the effects of privation and deprivation on children.
Critically evaluate the effects of childcare provision on pre-school children.
Vitamin C face lotion
'Fault Lines' by Raghuram Rajan.
Research Paper: Sadi Carnot & Heat Engine
Beowulf and Sir Gawain& Green Knight
A good man is hard to find
Medicinial chemistry honours level
Reaching Success through Best Project Management Practices
Upgrading an Old System of a Company
Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs
Assessment Task: Portfolio of evidence
1. Reflect on a journal article, study or piece of research, identifying its impact and relevance to your team's innovation
2. Reflect upon your own style of team working and the contribution this made to the team. You should identify how you negotiated your role within your multi-professional team and areas for personal development.
3. Reflect on and discuss one risk or barrier associated with implementing the change required for your team’s innovation, and potential ways to minimise that issue
4. Consider the ways in which you could involve service users and carers in the development and evaluation of your innovation and how you would manage this.
Opinions on gun control by age group
Baston vs. Kentucky
Norman "salior Jeryy" Collins
You are driving your automobile out West at midday on a flat, uninhabited, featureless and treeless desert in crystal clear weather. You are driving on a small rise and can see ten miles in every direction. Except for the road you are driving on, there is nothing but flat sand as far as the eye can see. Ahead is a highway stop sign at the intersection of your road and a crossroad.
Assume that there are no police officers, law enforcement officers, detectors, aircraft, cameras, etc. that can detect whether you stop or not. Whether you stop will be known only to you. Also assume that there are no other vehicles, pedestrians, or any people at all within a ten mile radius. Assume that if you do not stop at the stop sign, you cannot hit anyone, any thing, or cause any harm or risk to yourself or to anybody else or any thing.
The question is: Do you stop your car at the stop sign or just drive through it without stopping? Please state your justification and reasoning.
Boxing the Compass, address one of the following topic:
1. Does Boxing the compass resist or embrace idolatry? Explain what idolatry is and argue how Florian's novella either escapes or becomes trapped by idolatry.
2. What would Paul's reading of Boxing the Compass be? Explain that reading and then argue in support of or against it.
3. how does Boxing the Compass engage with Genesis 6-9? Explain the flood story from Genesis and then argue how Florian wrestles with the flood story in her novella.
Research Paper, History and Political Science: Occupy Wallstreet
Comparing city planing,green policy between beijing China and Soul, Korea. providing suggestions to Seoul Metropolitan Government
Investigation of an issue: transgender
Arches of the foot and mechanism of walking (Normal and abnormal human gait)
Pain and suffering in one's self and in solidarity with others
Describe the Ottoman-Turkish Empire’s repression policies against secessionist minorities (Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians, Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject Muslim populations (Arabs and Kurds) in the 1820s-1918.
Anishinabe Social Issues
(1) women (Real or Fictional) from HIstory or Current times and examine her life in the context of what you learn here (Women's Mental Health Class)
Term Paper: Soul Food the movie
Describe the involvement and participation of African American civilians and soldiers in the Great War (WWI), 1917-1918.
Revising a Learning Space
Critique on the powerpoint presentation of Stress vs Memory
Term Paper: Big Bend
1- what was the depositional environment of the sedimentary rocks exposed in the study area?
2- Whats the nature of magmatism? “ composition, age, and type of intrusive bodies”
3- What type of folds and faults are exposed in the study area and when did they form?
4- Whats the sequence of events “ geologic history” archived in the dagger flat area?
Plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes)
Summary of Cathedral by Raymond Carver
court report Assessment
business process assignment
Expert says Sydney dentist had no reason to file down teeth
Newspaper Analysis Report
Research methods, The influence of Apple as a company, brand awareness and people’s perceptions
critical reading and reflect key concepts
ethical dairy
Interventions in Situations of Trauma - People affected from bushfires
Twentieth Century China
Literature review on Sydney Harbour Bridge project
mobile news Assessment
why we teaching technology in our high school
Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of outsourcing based on holden's case
capability building of Meru Cabs
Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia)
What was the role of the mainstream media in creating ‘law and order’ as the key issue in the last Victorian State election?
lenovo takeover ibm report
Employment Relations in context Assessment
Contemporary Issues In International Political Economy
Research Methods for Business
Creativity and innovation Management
Research Paper: Why did labour win in 1945?
Measuring stellar brightnesses and stellar colors with virtual simulators.
How can Topshop enter the Chinese market?
Should the federal government legalize the use of marijuana?
Describe the Ottoman-Turkish Empire’s repression policies against secessionist minorities (Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians, Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject Muslim populations (Arabs and Kurds) in the 1820s-1918.
1. The Court of Chancery developed almost by historical accident.
2. Unlike the Common Law courts, it was willing to recognise new rights e.g. the use (trust) and new remedies e.g. injunctions and specific performance.
3. Equity was never a complete system of law and only intervened in some areas.
4. The maxims of equity guide discretion.
5. Equity has proved very flexible with many different types of trust being developed. E.g. public trusts, private trusts, fixed trusts, discretionary trusts, constructive trusts, resulting trusts etc.
6. Some trusts do not fit easily into any category e.g. secret trusts, Quistclose trusts etc.
7. The controversial issue today is how flexible equity should still be in recognising new rights and remedies e.g. proprietary estoppel, common intention constructive trusts.
8. in broad theory equity was an approach to justice which gave more weight than did the law to particular circumstances and hard cases
Explain the above how the equity system developed and what effect has today taking the above informations
Choose an ethnic or racial group that immigrated to the U.S. and in a four to six page paper describe the conditions that they left behind as well as the conditions they faced upon entering the US.
Document the ethnic group you chose and their country of origin, include when they left (you do not have to be too specific, a range of decades will suffice ex: from 1870 – 1900).
Explain why the group left and what conditions they left behind in their country of origin.
Describe the process they adhered to in order to enter the country.
Include your results to the “Citizenship Quiz” from week 2.
Analyze the general attitude of the US population at the time your group immigrated and choose what theory you would use to explain those attitudes.
Compare and contrast the values and beliefs of the ethnic minority or racial group you chose with the majority group.
Describe the current conditions within their country of origin.
In your opinion was the journey worth it, would you have made the same decision they did?
Aristotle assumed the Universe was infinite in extent and age. What are the logical physical/observational problems with the Universe being of infinite age?
Describe some of the necessary assumptions needed for Erasthosenes method to work. Although this method produced a reasonably accurate measure of the size of the Earth, what do you think the major sources of error might be?
Even thought the Ptolemaic model is completely incorrect, it remained as the established model for about 1800 years. Briefly discuss why you think this model was so widely accepted that no one questioned it for centuries.
Explain how Galileo's observation of the phases of Venus implied (in fact almost proves) that the Sun must be at the center of the Solar System.
Explain the difference in cultural conditions in the time of Nicholas of Cusa compared to Bruno which lead to the latter being burned at the stake even though he mostly just re-iterated what Cusa had said.
Chinese Calligraphy
Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others.
how current policy intervention reflects upon specific dependent groups are more widely conceptualised?
Assisting Teachers to choose the appropriate e-learning tool
Research Paper: Effects Nutrition has on Athletes
Term Paper: Research-based paper on the Problem Solving Process (PSP) for a selected organization
Creating an Exhibition
Research Paper: Aviation Aircraft Accident American Airline Flight 2253 Boeing 757-200, N668AA
Critically examine how human rights legislation, ideas and concepts might be applied to a social care practice area of your choice:
Research project compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methods 2 examples of each
Discuss the effectiveness of international human rights law drawing on the experience of any mechanism of your choice.
How to run a simulation company
Medicinal chemistry honours level
Be able to determine the properties and selection of materials from test and date sources.Understand the relationships between manufacturing processes and material behavior
To what extent is United States trade policy with the Middle East determined by political rather than economic considerations?
IEEE Technical paper based on 1597.1 standard in Electromagnetic compatibility
Research Paper: Compare and contrast Defensible Networks
Retrofitting of Existing Reinforced Concrete Members with Carbon FibreRetrofitting of Existing Reinforced Concrete Members with Carbon Fibre
A policy map is a plan you create for identifying and addressing specific elements and/or approaches to a social problem. A policy map is a visual rendering of a social agency's history, mission, the policies that exist within that agency, money streams that are relevant to its purpose, and the stakeholders involved in the agency's mission, purpose, and overall effectiveness.
create a policy map for an agency with which you are familiar.
Veterans’ Medical Center and the homeless program.
To prepare: Review "Mapping Agencies' Policies" and refer to Figure 4.4, "Map of Agency Policies," in the Jansson text as an orienting framework. Also, review Policy Advocacy Challenge 4.5 in the "Mapping Agencies' Policies" section as a guide for getting you started. Select an agency with which you are familiar and develop a "policy map" for the agency, using examples from your text. Be sure to add a narrative describing the agency and the community that it serves. Identify the different kinds of agency policies including mission statements, budgets, central policies, and policies of subunits.
As a consequence of the high levels of stress being recorded in the UK, there has been a general shift towards a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle. This is now perceived as an essential ingredient for good health. In addition the vanity level of both men and women appears to be rising. It is therefore of no surprise that the Health and Beauty sector in the leisure industry is sitting comfortably, enjoying increasing profits, but not without severe competition.“Today’s hectic lifestyle most certainly requires an antidote to replenish the mind & soul”. This is the focus of Serene Hall, a health spa resort located in the centre of England. Serene Hall enjoys the grandeur of a large stately home, enveloped in the heart of the Staffordshire countryside. This magnificent building was built by Sir Miles Taylor, for his wife Serene Taylor around 1808. It has remained in the Taylor family ever since. This elegant residence was diligently resurrected many years ago, to capture and relinquish its original aura and kudos. Thus creating the perfect ambience for the premier health spa it has become today.
The spa provides for a variety of clientele, offering top of the range services in an attempt to de-stress, relax and revitalise their customers. Services / facilities offered range from an effortless stroll around the stupendous grounds, offering, even today the well maintained, refreshing woodforest walks, to the more rigorous workouts in the gym, naturally, equipped with state of the art machinery. Dining and wining facilities leave nothing to be desired. And if all you want is to be pampered, then the list of treatments from which you can choose is endless.
The resurrection of Serene Hall has been supported in the main by generations of the Taylor family (who also hold the largest grouping of shares) and a £50 million cash injection from the Hatwest merchant bank, which has a 25% shareholding in the company. The management team consists of the Managing Director, Marketing Director, Finance Director and Operations Director. Three other directors have joined within the last five years, with a promise of 15% bonuses over the next five years. These are to be based on the Return on Investment and profit growth figures. The company has grown quickly, mainly due to family ownership keeping costs tightly under control. The growth in this industry, despite a general downturn in the economy as a whole, has only helped facilitate the profits of Serene Hall. So much so that Serene Hall is now operating with a full order book and little if any slack. Ironically the management are beginning to worry about the stress levels of their own staff. In light of this change in market demand, which has crept up on Serene Hall almost unnoticed, the Directors decided to undergo a strategic analysis exercise.
a) The current unit product cost for Advanced Circuitry, Boosted Circuitry and Customised Circuitry. Show your calculations in the appendix up to 2 decimal points
b) The new unit product costs of the three circuit boards using Activity-based costing. Show all calculations
The purpose of this assignment is to provide realistic experience related to creating and presenting a marketing plan in the sports industry of your choice. The group project will require that the cumulative knowledge of the course be presented through an annual marketing plan and a presentation of that plan with projected outcomes. The groups will be determined between the third week and sixth weeks of class. Expectations for group work are as follows:
Groups are to self-select a leader. That person will communicate needs of the group to me at regular intervals to make sure the work is moving along and everyone is participating.
Papers are to be clearly contributed to by all members.
Presentation will require all members of the group to speak.
A draft, or outline, of the paper will be due the 14th week of class (May 1st) for approval by instructor of content and direction of plan.
Groups may “fire” members anytime up to the 12th week of class for a valid reason.
“Fired” individuals may move to another group or complete the assignment on their own, with approval.
The details for the group paper and presentation will be handed out when the groups are determined.
Your grade will be based on the thoughtfulness of your analysis, depth of your plan and expected outcome, your insights, detail and examples used to illustrate your understanding of the topics covered in the course, along with the writing composition (well organized, concise, etc.).
Theory X and Theory Y
Please note that in order for you to get an A grade on this assignment, your paper has to address both the Content and Structure Assignment Expectations (see below).
As you read about Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in the background materials, you might have wondered how it applies to your own organization. Now is your chance to find out!
SLP Assignment Expectations (Content)
Take the following free survey offered by
Total both scores - the management/situation score, and the personal preference score.
Then answer the following questions in an essay of 2 pages. In answering the questions, please make sure to use analysis, or to apply the XY Theories to facts in your own experiences.
pneumatic linear actuators
Fashion retail concepts of the future
The skeleton and joints
English Phonology and Constraint Based Phonology
‘A business has ‘broke even’ and survived its first year of trading. As it enters a stage of relatively rapid growth, describe the INTERNAL hazards that may impact on the business and critically argue what may be done to reduce the overall risk.’
First Adoption of IFRS by an entity in particular country – a case study
Domestic international Money
Portfolio Optimisation and Portfolio Performance Measurement
Research Paper: How is the Four Seasons Resort developing its competitive product in a way that it will affect long-term sustainable competitive advantages?
Laughter and people
How would i change this film?
Evaluating Research for Health Care
Lean thinking (Layout Planning)
Developing an Integrated SLA Theory
Representing Players and Teams
Critically evaluate the establishment and operation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Nerve lesions of lower limb (Muscle testing of lower limb)
Critical reflection on an aspect of contraception clinical practice
Code-switching among students in the UK
Literature, arts and humanities power point presentation
Write about ocean resource economic
Leading Organiational Change Course - Successful Change Management Programs
Sustainable supply chain, sustainable strategy and sustainability reporting (for Marks & spencer and Waitrose)
To evaluate and analyze the good cost control of Samsung
Compare CAFR for City of Perris 2012 and 2013 and City of Temecula 2013 using ratios
Whitebox testing and blackbox testing
Develop a case study of one or more national, group or minority language rights situations of a country that is suited in the European Union. A comparison is recommended. Your paper should: Identify a sociolinguistic issue or problem, describe it in detai
What are your personal ethics and how do they fit with your future in academia?
Transport geography
Term Paper: Stocks and beta
Research Paper: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Case study of dozier industries
Research Paper: Schoolwide Effectiveness in Public School System
Many scholars suggest that an intensified economic exchange between North and South would trigger a “race to the bottom,” which would mean that eventually, workers all over the world would earn the same low wages that workers in the South currently year
The technological and cultural changes between the relationship of Telegraph and Facebook
Paul Klree- creative credo
Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
Research Paper: Revenue Recognition and Income and the Internal Revenue Code
The Time Machine- H.G. Wells
Megacities of Asia
Identify IS Needs in the value chain-
Research Paper: The psychological impact of disney animated films on young children
Physical and cultural aspect of the city of Islamic origins which are still present in the contemporary Arab city
Research Paper: Women of STEM - Introduction and Background Research
write a report identifying and describing the stages necessary to evaluate the potential of a new business idea and describe the skills you feel entrepreneurs / intrapreneurs need.
Term Paper: Capturing and Delivering Value
‘A business has ‘broke even’ and survived its first year of trading. As it enters a stage of relatively rapid growth, describe the INTERNAL hazards that may impact on the business and critically argue what may be done to reduce the overall risk.’
Domestic international Money
Portfolio Optimisation and Portfolio Performance Measurement
Developing an Integrated SLA Theory
Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
Semiotics of Law in AI and Law
Pick one cultural space, site, exhibition, performance or project. How inclusive and participatory is it, and why?
Research Paper: Factors for the prevalence of diabetes and mental health(inpatient) in the UK
Term Paper: An Evaluation of the Recent IEEE 802.11ac Wireless Protocol
Research Paper: The Soviet Union Famine of 1932
Adult spartan free man.
If the marijuana be legalized in all the United States,what the benefit influence of that to the economy?
Sustainable supply chain, ( Marks & spencer and Waitrose)
Identifying a Sociological Perspective in the Media
Should Public Employees be Required to Pay an Agency Fee ?
The Danger Of Subliminal Persuasion In Advertising
Research paper on unemployment
Advise the Board of Directors of Choc Delux of their liability to Kylie under the tort of negligence.
About Hank Ketcham and Dennis the Menace
International Human Resources Management : 1. To what extent do national institutions influence firms’ adoption of work-life balance policies? Discuss using evidence
The purpose of a Code of Ethics within Police Agencies
Research Paper: 5-year career mangement plan
Examine the relationship between friar Lawrence and romeo in romeo and Juliet
The Role of a Woman
childrens’ products
1) Assess the evidence of the existence of a ‘Global Kids’ segment.
2) Recommend ways in which such a global segment could be targeted.
Marketing for Events
1) introduction<br />
2) Outline of event: the client is Samsung, and choice of event is a the launch of a phone e.g. S7
social policy- policy analysis
the plan which has been provided by my tutor I will attach once I am assigned my writer - But the assignment will be looking at new labour government policies 1997-2000 and compare these with more recent developments under the conservative liberal democrat government elected in 2010- the area of policy should be relevant to families and children/young people and provide critical evaluation of social policies in the chosen area.
Cultural turns
In their essays “White Privilege” and “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” McIntosh and Tatum explore the ways in which members of these two racial groups must face and react to societal [dis]advantages and expectations. After reading and comparing them, consider how relevant and truthful their finds are. Is there anything you [dis]agree with? Have you ever experienced anything that they mention? Do they speak of anything that still occurs today? What points stuck out the most for you? Do they use enough evidence to back up their points?
Etheridge (“Music as a Safe Haven”) and Manson (“Columbine: Whose Fault is It?”) write about the effect music does (or does not) have on an individual. How do you feel about their arguments? How would you describe their ethos (character), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic, evidence, proof, etc.)? How does music fit into your life? If it doesn’t, what stands in for it in terms of meaningfulness? Can you recall any specific moments in which this type of entertainment impacted your life? Likewise, how do you feel about blaming music (and other forms of entertainment) for the tragedies in America?
Manson (“Columbine: Whose Fault is It?”) and Kimmel (“Gender, Class, and Terrorism”) discuss the reasons why people commit heinous acts, as well as the ways we seek to find scapegoats to ease our own guilt and blame someone ASAP. How do you feel about their arguments? Do they use enough evidence to support their claims? Does their reasoning make sense, or can you find a flaw in it? Finally, join in the conversation: who (or what) should we blame for these acts (if anyone/anything)?
Kilbourne (“Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt”) and Abernethy (“Male-Bashing TV”) discuss how women and men are unfairly portrayed in the media. How do you feel about their arguments? Do they use enough evidence to support their claims? Does their reasoning make sense, or can you find a flaw in it? Which examples stuck out the most to you? Finally, join in the conversation: which gender is objectified more in society? Do you see any realistic way to stop it?
Moore (“Why Doesn’t GM Sell Crack?”) and Sullivan (“Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay Marriage”) each discuss a social issue that affects society at large. In the former piece, Moore argues that the dismantled livelihoods of individual families, as well as the greed of top executives, leads to a destroyed community, while the latter piece features a discussion of how gay marriage not only leaves “traditional” marriage unaffected, but also how it could actually benefit communities, individuals (including children), and the economy. In addition, both pieces features a concrete list of ways in which their argument would work. Pick one of the two and discuss if you find their argument valid or not. Think about their ethos, pathos, and logos. Which points work and which, if any, don’t? Can you see any valid counterarguments not addressed, and if so, how do you think the author(s) would refute them? Is there any realistic solution to this issue, or are we destined to struggle with it for the foreseeable future?
Construct a brief yet effective presentation related to your paper. Your presentation should last 5 minutes. You should have some sort of visual aid, a Powerpoint presentation, a Word document with a breakdown of your paper, a display of your outside sources, etc. The presentation doesn’t have to be overly fancy or elaborate; it just has to give the rest of the class something to look at as you’re speaking in front of them.
Psychological perspective
A. Discuss the behaviorist perspective and use supportive scientific, theory-based evidence.
B. Explain how it is related to "The Noticer"
C. Relate Behavioristic perspective to your own views and what you learned from the book
history of economics
What do you consider to be two key challenges for software project managers? Explain your answer.
common property
discussing the possible use of common property to address the commons problem. Please develop your discussion within the context of either (1) Acheson and the lobster fiefs or (2) Cinner and customary marine tenure in the Indo-Pacific. Note: you don’t have to read Acheson if you read Cinner and vice versa, but in either case you should show evidence of having read Hardin and either Wade or Seabright.
Spiritual Needs Assessment
Write a brief summary of your assessment findings.
What significant discoveries did you make about the individual you chose to assess?
What went well?
What would you do differently in the future?
Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
Describe the spiritual experience you had with your patient, family member, or friend using this tool. How does this tool allow you to better meet the needs of your patient?
Political Socialization and Ideology
Pricing Issues
Classical & Operant Conditioning Examples
(1) Robert gets a ticket for driving under the influence that results in a $500 fine and suspension of his driving license.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What's the behavior involved? Will it increase or decrease?
What kind of consequence is involved?
(2) Chris is bitten by the neighbor's German Shepherd. Now whenever she sees a dog in the neighborhood, she becomes afraid and runs away. She still enjoys petting her own family's cocker spaniel.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What is the conditioned stimulus? Unconditioned stimulus? Conditioned and unconditioned response?
Is this an example of stimulus generalization? Stimulus discrimination?
(3) Jacob's date was wearing a very alluring cologne on their recent date. The date itself was quite passionate. The following day when Jacob gets into his car he smells the lingering scent of his date's cologne and becomes transfixed with joy.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What is the unconditioned stimulus? Conditioned stimulus? Unconditioned and conditioned response?
Is this an example of stimulus generalization or discrimination?
Can Jacob forget about his date and just go purchase a bottle of the cologne? Will his reaction subside?
(4) Martin has a panic attack during a plane ride. Now the mere thought of an airplane makes him very nervous. Twenty years pass and Martin is still afraid of airplanes even though he never took another flight.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What are the US, CS, UR, and CR?
Why hasn't this response extinguished?
(5) Shelly is in the grocery store with her dad. As they near the checkout lane, Shelly starts whining for a candy bar but her dad says no. Shelly begins to cry and cries louder when her dad continues to refuse. At the checkout lane, in front of the cashier, Shelly throws herself onto the floor and begins screaming. Her dad responds by grabbing a candy bar and giving it to her. She quickly quiets down and eats her candy bar. This exchange gets repeated on subsequent trips to the grocery store.
Classical or operant?
What is Shelly's behavior in this example? What kind of consequence follows her behavior?
What is dad's behavior in this example? What kind of consequence follows his behavior?
How should dad handle this situation differently?
(6) Your bright cat has learned that your presence in the kitchen is associated with food. Your cat has also learned that he can encourage your presence in the kitchen on Saturday mornings by standing on your chest and meowing (when you are obviously trying to sleep). You decide to get up and feed the cat to shut it up, but the problem only gets worse on subsequent weekends.
Classical or operant? (Be careful with this one!)
You know the drill. If it's operant, what kind of consequence is involved? If it's classical, what are the assorted stimuli and responses?
Could it be both operant and classical?
(7) You throw a wild party at which you consume too much alcohol (vodka and orange juice). You become very sick and spend a few hours vomiting. The next morning while cleaning up the mess, you get a whiff of the vodka and orange juice that were still sitting out in the kitchen. You immediately become nauseated and run to the bathroom to vomit some more (pretty picture, isn't it?).
Classical or operant?
What are the assorted stimuli and responses involved?
Prevention of Chilhood Obesity in the Borough of Hackney
The Battle of the Bulge
Occupational Therapy
Put your protagonist in a specific workplace and give us the sounds, smells, and feeling of that environment. What is your protagonist?s attitude toward the work? Enthusiastic? Obsessive? Frustrated? Demeaned? How is your protagonist defined by his or her job(s)? Show him or her in a combination of thought and action, reflection and dialogue, giving a sense of your character?s position in the workplace.
Remember to inspire your character with a conflict. Give them a challenge or problem to face, and try to show us how the character faces this conflict both internally and externally. Will they triumph and be heroic, or fail and be tragic? It's up to you, but give us a character in a workplace and let us be there with them as they struggle.
Islamic Mortgages in the United States
Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
company marketing strategy analyse Essay
Political Intervention effects on business in China and India
Making Modern Identities Assessment
Duty of Care Assessment
China media profile
employment relationship Essay
major events in the foreign exchange markets and the Australian and international economy that you have identified from financial pages of newspapers and financial news websites at any time during the period 1st January - 13th April 2014.
Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Report
Book review on Rising to the Challenge: China's Grand Strategy and International Security
consider the status of the hypotheses in light of the data and to consider what implications this has
A business proposal for a conceptual virtual organisation
Analysis of health care system
The Numerical Study of the Effect of Wind in a Compartment Fire Using Fire dynamics simulator
Analytical Methods in Economics and Finance
Should the accounting profession bear any of the blame for the financial crisis which began in 2007/08?
The Global environment of e-business: Taxation of Internet Commerce
presentation of Herny Ford ( a creative hero)
Does the bundling of human resource practices result in better performance?
Social Media and its effect on Online Presence
Use economic theories and empirical research findings to support your argument
Building Components and types
Urban planing(Mexico city, Mumbai)
The LabVolt “Motors, Generators and Controls”
Information privacy Assessment
Equity's Darling
Do increasing opportunities for women in the military weaken our armed forces?
Why Artists Paint Animals: Leonardo da Vinci's Lady with Ermine (1490) and William Holman Hunt's Scapegoat (1854-6).
Conflict Map and Recommendations
What is truth, and why is it possible for multiple versions of the truth to exist?(movies)
Mongol rule Essay
Amazing Technologies & Forum Personal Stories of Change
Theories of Teaching and Learning
compare and contrast Functionalism and Marxism across ONE of the following dimensions: motivation to work, exploitation, or status/prestige.
Control Systems LAB report (theory)
A critical evaluation of an E Entrepreneurial Australian business
state why it is a globalisation issue, and outline briefly your research approach.
ethical responsibilities involved in CSR
Standard deviation and beta are the appropriate measures of risk of investment
Leisure concept
Killer Coke Case Study
Creative Campaign - Case Study Report
Choose a theory of media industries and use it to develop an analysis of an example of a media organisation
leaf transpiration Report
Evidence for Advanced Practice
You are to design a tourist experience that provides an adventure experience for a nominated target group
Queuing Analysis for a business process
Standard deviation and beta
is-lm and mundell-fleming model
SWOT analysis
Speech of Managing technology and innovation
Perioperative Care Essay - Case Study
Nursing management of a patient requiring hospitalisation
Materials and manufacturing report (polymer moulded bottle assembly
Explain why it was that Europe colonised Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, rather than Asia and Africa colonising Europe
Bullying in the Workplace Essay
Reasons behind collapse of the company HIH Insurance
disability in terms of normal human functioning
Acute Health Case Study- Osteoarthritis
Mass Spectrometry Essay
The coverage of Israel-Palestinian conflict
Teachers Perceptions about use of ICT in class as explaine by theoretical frameworks
The liberal capitalist economic paradigm within which governments operate is often cited as the cause of poverty, the breakdown of communities and the dehumanising of governance systems. What if there was a better way?
Examine changes of one industry/market in Germany and China
A Wind-Storm in the Forests by John Muir
Change Management Project or Strategy in a Health Organisation within Victoria, Australia
Discuss the diagnostic value of of less invasive imaging modalities in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease when compared to invasive coronary angiography which is regarded as the gold standard technique.
Competing in China’s Automobile Industry
advantages and disadvantages of “Three Strikes” and mandatory sentencing legislation
Comparison between HongKong people and Mainland Chinese people in perspectives of langauge and identity
Internship Action Plan and Networking Review
condition of the lumbopelvic region or lower extremity: Anterior knee pain
Commercial Banking Regulation in Australia
What are the impacts of global financial crisis on the insurance industry in the USA. How effective are the US government’s policies in tackling from its impacts.?
The role of Twitter and Facebook
Geomechanics investigation report
Communication and Social Theory-An academic paper
The "I" of the Monster in Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Research Paper
Medical-Surgical Nursing Case Study
global warming Report
Newton’s method is a method of solving equations
Critical appraisal of a randomised control group
State and City in Europe and Asia
Identifying potential challenges to successful transition to graduate nursing practice
service learning Report
Critical evaluation & development of a business proposal
Please select at least one product/service (or a number of products/services or a combination of both) and discuss the influence of different ‘Internal Factors’ on a consumer’s decision-making process for that product or service.
IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist over the next few years. Discuss the various protocols, tools and techniques used by adminstrators and ISPs to migrate their networks to IPv6.
Leadership in management(Analyse why you consider Analyse why you consider him or her to be a leader?Describe his or her Key Strengths and Weaknesses as a leader. What makes you consider that person as an effective leader? Justify your answer.
Declining the buy off offer
People's bad health is based upon the poor choices they make in their life
The liberal capitalist economic paradigm within which governments operate is often cited as the cause of poverty, the breakdown of communities and the dehumanising of governance systems. What if there was a better way?
Financial accounting issues (choose single measurement model or the mixed measurement model)
Develop a budget and CVP analysis to make tactical decisions for a case study
analysis interpersonal meaning
Determine whether the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook was a good decision
Time Traveler Project
how terroir can assist in increasing wine sales, marketing and branding of the region and how it impacts tourism in the area
What are the gaps and limitations of nurse practitioners working in the community mental health sector?
AL Rayan Bank Report
silver surfers Report
Supply Chain Principles Assessment
To examine the price movements and the performance of (CHN&AUS )two stock exchanges
Gender Roles Assessment
Discuss why corporate governance is important in building confidence in organisations and examine the way in which companies report on corporate governance, providing illustrations from company accounts that you have found
Select a Business Unit within the John Lewis Partnership and evaluate its strategy
acute care Report
medication, search side effect
your strengths and challenges in the light of Ethics and Social Responsibility
strengths and challenges you see in the field of ethics and social responsibility in your country of belonging
Technologies are used that make up a “digital footprint”.
Mental Health and Social Work Practice
Environmental Justice: Greenland (ice melting) - economic/governmental policies
Daoism Research Paper
essay for A&P and Araby
The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries
Violence is not an accident of our systems; structural or systemic violence is their foundation and intrinsic to their way of working. Discuss with particular reference to capitalism
International Financial Crime in relation to Australia: Identify an aspect of the Australian: •anti-corruption legal framework (bribery)
Medical-Surgical Nursing Case Study
Play a role of art critic by viewing an exhibit
Research Paper Compare and contrast two slave narratives from two different states.
Research Paper Medical Cannabis
Michael bennett(unique style)- A Chorus Line and Dream Girls
Rhetoric used in slavery arguments
Assess the potential significance for anthropologists of the ideas of Gramsci.
Case study on chronic illness
Why did Emile Henry bomb the Café Terminus in Paris on February 12, 1894? In the book The dynamite club
Advanced Macroeconomics, Investment and asset prices
aspect of contract and negligence for business
Standard APS 210 with respect to capital and liquidity
Developing a working thesis
Critically evaluate the social, cultural or political implications of either the planning, controlling or decision making elements of management accounting
Recruitment and Retention Presentation Assessment
Spring Launcher Report
Curriculum and pedagogy Assessment
Report: Investigating with A child birth- 5 years
Persuasive essay about gold
Explain why it was that Europe colonised Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, rather than Asia and Africa colonising Europe
How might we explain the economic problems of the 1920s? In your answer discuss competitive devaluations, the erection of trade barriers and the impact of the Treaty of Versailles
Evaluate (with cases) how both Sorel and Fanon's understanding of violence is necessary for radical political transformation
How much do i cost
The French concept of terroir
Reality TV in China
Tackling HIV/AIDS for high school Students in Australia-promoting Health Literacy using Principles of Community Nursing
Use the three texts below to describe how the language of science changes with changes in audience purpose and mode
Discuss the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses an individual is likely to experience in response to a newly diagnosed condition with a poor prognosis
Read Prettejohn v Cairns Regional Council & Ors [2012] QPEC 23 (see ). Identify in your own words: The factual issues relevant to this case including the background
Colonisation in Achebe's novel "No Longer At Ease" Research Paper
Discussing the Character "Garcin" in the novel "No Exit"
Research Paper: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steroid Use.
Social responsibility of the athletes
Prepare Investment Portfolio report for a non-profit organization (case study). (liquidity, fixed assets, bonds, equity, derivatives (options, forwards, futures, swaps), etc)
Case Study: A peasceful Evacuation: Building a Multiple-Project Battalion by Leading Upward
Transgender and Intersex
how the medical community treats intersex children, and it’s interesting to note that her advocated approach has since become the standard for intersex children and their families. The second is whether we can make room for greater sexual variation. Her contention is that someone going through a full sexual transition (from male to female or vice versa), a person historically called a transsexual, only reinforced the idea of two biological sexes. The transgender community, on the other hand, accepts a great deal of variation in genitals and biological status – some people go through a full transition, while others do not; some use hormones, while others do not. Some members of the transgender community would even argue that gender fluid and genderqueer people are part of the transgender umbrella – they don’t necessarily feel they have the wrong body, but their gender expression does not conform to traditional male and female categories and behaviors.
What she is ultimately asking is whether the medical community can change their theories and practices to accommodate greater biological variation of sex, and whether our society as a whole can possibly come up with a gender system that moves beyond male and female gender, whether we can or should come up with new categories or new ways of thinking about gender behavior. She gives examples of the dangers inherent in life for people whose biological sex and mental gender or gender expression don’t match, and offers alternate methods of categorizing gender, ones with many more options than our current system.
How far have we come along the road she envisions, do you think? Have questions about intersex and transgender people widened our ideas about gender in society as a whole? How did you feel about the cases she cited where intersex and transgender people have adapted their relationships, or where they have found themselves in court because society says they don’t “fit” the definition of a biological male or female? Has the legality of same-sex marriages started to open up possibilities for transgender people as well? Do you think we need a system that gives us “many sexes,” or should we simply allow each person the right to define their own sex and gender? Do we need a set of common terms, or can we allow sex and gender to become completely individualized?
If you were to create some new terms for biological sexes or gender identities, what would they be? Get creative! What kind of new categories can you come up with, based on people you know and people you’ve met?
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compare and contrast Functionalism and Marxism across ONE of the following dimensions: motivation to work, exploitation, or status/prestige
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Write a report on HRM practices and issues of an organization of your choice] It will be HSBC in saudi arabia (]
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Mega projects delivery in the UAE
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Commercial Banking Regulation in Australia
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"Schedule Delay Analysis Techniques in Industry & Research"
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Describe the contribution of logistics to the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) for a manufacturing firm AND a service firm. Use actual examples of organisations and products/services for both industries to support your answers
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Strategic Portfolio and Programme Management in (Project management )
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Exploring single parent families
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introduction to British society and culture
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How business respond to sustainability challenges
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Internal Motivation and Early Childhood Education Research Paper
Should the accounting profession bear any of the blame for the financial crisis which began in 2007/08?
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Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia)
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Research the advanced nursing role of the nurse practitioner. Find 2 research articles and 1 expert opinion article about this role, and summarize the articles in a 2-3 page paper. The articles must be current (not more than 5 years old).
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Creating a NAIOS Human Rights Convention
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The term ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ is an inappropriate misnomer, partly because it fails to distinguish the sequence in which dispute resolution processes are used; and partly because it fails to separate the adjudication processes
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Selecting and Implementing Strategies of Instruction
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Are prisons effective total institutions or do they more commonly fail in their goal of resocialization? Please compare and contrast how a conflict, a functionalist or an interactionist theorist would answer this question. Finally offer your opinion
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The reasons behind the 1980's debit crisis.
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Has traditional organised crime been more a source of support to the state than a challenge to it? 2)Does prison work? Can punishment can be re-imagined? What that would entail? Discuss, drawing on relevant sociological perspective.
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Describe the biochemical basis of a disease that is a result of a single gene disorder
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Writing for Different Cultures and Audiences
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Nursing, Essay: Romantic Relationships
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Dear Mrs. Roosevelt
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Research Paper: Chemical Shale Instability & Inhibition
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"Claire of the Sea Light"
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Derek Kantaria has been a qualified mediator and arbitrator for seven years, during which time he has successfully mediated around 30 substantial disputes (as well as many less high-profile disputes); and has sat as arbitrator on eight occasions in import
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Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs
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Archimedes' Principle
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Foreign policy dilemma of..... the writer can choose any country and talk about issues and solutions of the country
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What role does assessment play in the teaching and learning of Mathematics?
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“The transition to a low carbon economy presents the UK construction industry with terrific opportunities for growth. There are also opportunities through greater resource efficiency and from adaptation of our built environment to deal with climate change
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Critically appraise the fiscal strategy of the UK Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government
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Intermodal Freight and Global Operations/ Management
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Creativity in dance
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Strategic Consulting in Practice
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Environmental Science- make up a hypothetical disaster scenario
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Outline in a 1,500 words the characteristics of Social Media and Generation Y and the close relationship between the two with a case example.
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Find and Research a Canadian or American vicarious liability court case. Conduct an academic review of the details of the key players involved, of the charges laid, of the outcome and of the overall significance of the case. ( remember: Military cases may be used, although sometimes cases are more difficult to locate due to policy and department clauses).
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US COnstitution
Completed the research and create a letter. This letter should be a description of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Once you have described both of these documents use the list of grievances and the Bill of Rights to make connections between them. Please use notes from the attached documents to supplement the research you have done here on the internet. The bulk of facts; however, should be derived from this WebQuest.
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Discuss how supply and demand drive the transportation industry? In your opinion, how does the transportation industry affect the environment?
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What are the pros and cons of the current highway funding structure as related the taxes paid by motor carriers? How do you think sustainability efforts by Walmart will impact the larger logistics industry? Watch the following video and explain what you think about how this program of companies encouraging their people to be positive role models.
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Air Carriers
Research an air incident that was considered to be the airlines fault because of safety violations. Give the details of the cases and the url for the case (only include the url at the end of the post). Lastly, give your opinion of why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting their employees.
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Global Transportation
Why did the author of this week's reading find it necessary to compare the European and North American systems; are they really that different? How do costs of transportation impact global trade?
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Style of 3 colonial regions-w1a2
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Integrated assessment on case study for Choc Deluxe
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Intro into the black arts era 1831-1850.
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W1a3-american colonial architecture
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Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary
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There were a number of connections between Romanticism, socialism, liberalism, as well as other ideologies and events between 1789 and 1850. Describe some of the ways in which these movements and events were connected and informed one another
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International power politics provided one of the most important antecedents to World War I. What diplomatic circumstances and political rivalries developed between European powers during the later nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries that set the stage
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Describe a significant challenge or opportunity in your life and the impact it has had on you. Use this essay to discuss an experience demonstrating your leadership outside the classroom.'
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What are the contributions of an individual architect to the modern movement in architecture based on a study of one of the following: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
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Application and Technology Architectures
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'What is income? In the context of a review of the income theories of Fisher and Hicks critically evaluate the challenge to the use of Hicksian income theory in accounting policy by Bromwich, Macve and Sunder (2010).'
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A critique of movie Waiting for ‘Superman’
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Nature of Thought Paper
Include the following in your paper:
1. What is thinking?
What makes human thinking unique?
How and why do humans express their thoughts?
If humans can't think without memory, then it is obviously very important. In what ways can you enhance your memory?
2. Identify an instance in your life in which your perception of the real situation was far from the actual facts.
What did you think was going on?
What was really going on?
Why was there such a difference?
How did language empower or limit the expression of your thoughts?
What did you learn about your thinking by evaluating the situation again?
3. Describe the types of perceptual blocks that influence your views.
Identify personal barriers.
Illustrate an example of thought being influenced by barriers.
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Neoclassical Architecture
Part I – Structural & Stylistic Identification
Identify two significant buildings, of different styles, from the periods in American architectural history discussed this week and provide the following identifying information:
• Name of structure
• Date of construction
• Geographical location
• Primary architectural style used in structure
• Architectural elements present in structure
You will also need to include at least three original sketches of specific architectural elements as visually related to their location on each particular structure.
Part II – Cultural Analysis
Identify and discuss each structure’s architect and patron and discuss how their relationship, and other factors such as cultural, political, economic, religious, and social influences shaped the design of the structures. This section should consist of no less than 400 words in total.
Part III – Topical Issue
Discuss how the function and use of the building relates to the buildings’ structure and concept.
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Describe the similarities that exist among the phases of system engineering and software development. Explain how phases under each discipline complement one another to provide an efficient solution. Determine which discipline would be optimal for Web development, cloud computing, and security systems. Support your answer with a specific rationale or illustration.
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Write a position paper that takes a stand on a controversial issue. Your introduction should present your issue, provide background, and state the claim you intend to support. In constructing your claim, strive to develop audience-based reasons. The body of your argument should summarize and respond to opposing views as well as present reasons and evidence in support of your own position. You should use the persuasive model we discussed in class to organize your argument. End your essay with your strongest arguments. Try also to include appeals to pathos and to create a credible ethos
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Your project for the next two weeks is to explore web 2.0 on-line tools and/or applications and prepare a powerpoint presentation explaining the on-line tools and/or applications, write a review, explain how to use the technology, its use, show visual examples, add the link to the application and a title slide for each. You will also have an overall title slide listing the 3 on-line tools and/or applications that you will present along with your name, date, course title and professor's name. Please make sure the written material is in your own words. You must research (4) different types of on-line tools and/or applications. The on-line tools and/or applications must be completely different category.
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Find and research TWO Creation Stories. Write with a respectful and comparative approach. Use your critical thinking, objective reasoning, and reflective self knowledge. Your heart and spirit will converge by respect, not judgment.
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Research Paper Texas slavery
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history of child labor
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Sociological Analysis of Media
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Questions on Aquinas
1) Aquinas considers love a passion. Explain how he defines this and give an example which illustrates it. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this understanding of love?
2)According to Aquinas' adaptation of Aristotle, what are the 5 things proper to friendship? give examples of each. Is there anything missing from Aquinas' list of what is proper to a friendship.
3) In Aquinas' thought what are the 3 ways that friendship relates to CARITAS?give examples
4) Why does Aquinas believe that a "person loves oneself more than he loves any other person" (pg 176) Explain your argument or disagreement with his reasoning.
5) Why should one love one's children more than one's parents and which parent did Aquinas suggest that one should love more and what was the reason for his believe? Since we know that he was working out of a faulty understanding of biological reproduction, how would you modify his teachings?
6)What is the distinction between benevolence and beneficence and give an example of each.
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Scenario Analysis
Lon L. Fuller, former Carter Professor of Jurisprudence at Harvard Law School, observed in The Morality of Law, “Even if a man is answerable only to his conscience, he will answer more responsibly if he is compelled to articulate principles on which he acts.”
Source: Lon L. Fuller. (1975). The Morality of Law. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. (p. 159)
In this Assignment you are required to apply Fuller’s Principle, as cited above, and respond to three real-life scenarios regarding ethical decision making within the field of criminal justice and policing.
In considering each of the three scenarios, you are asked to respond to the following four questions:
Is there a moral problem presented in the scenario? If so, what is it?
Does policy or law dictate an appropriate response, or does it require that professional discretion be applied?
What criteria (considerations), principles, and consequences should guide your decision?
What would you do? Articulate, justify, and defend your position.
First, read each scenario. Second, analyze the ethical dilemma within the context of the four questions specified above. Third, respond in writing to the each of the four questions.
The entire paper should be 2 – 4 pages in length. Each essay response should be brief, not more than one page. You may use references to support your responses, but the essay responses must be original.
Scenario 1 - Drugs at a Friend’s House
You are an off-duty police officer at a party at the house of an old high school friend. Everyone is still in the backyard drinking. You go into the house to use the restroom and observe several of your friend’s friends (whom you do not know) snorting cocaine. You do not know whether or not your friend has knowledge that people are using drugs in his house.
Scenario 2 - Accepting a Gift
It is the day before Christmas and you are a community police officer. An owner of a small market has been friendly to you throughout the year, and has participated faithfully in community crime-prevention meetings. He calls you behind the counter and gives you a fruit basket for your family, and a Christmas card with a $30 gift certificate as an expression of his appreciation.
Scenario 3 - Homosexual Partner
You are a supervisor on a medium-size police department. Office Ted Jones is an excellent officer and has been on the force for 16 years. He is also a homosexual and hangs out at a known gay bar in his off time. You have two person patrols and Jones was recently teamed with Officer James Davis. Officer Davis comes to you and asks to be assigned to another partner because Jones is a homosexual.
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Compare and contrast the two methods of fieldwork in the two studies described in article on Gender &Sexuality in the Field and the excerpts from the book, The Tearoom Trade.
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Although recently more attention has been dedicated to research on both women and psychology and the psychology of race, the history of psychology has told a story that would make one think it was a discipline that was created and developed solely by white men. Comment on this idea and discuss the implications of 1) barring women and people of colour from early psychology and 2) failing to properly acknowledge or document the achievements of women and people of colour who were involved in the development of psychology.
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Understanding Career Opportunities
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the major problems that emerged from the fall of the wall for the newly united Germany
What, in your opinion, were the major problems that emerged from the fall of the wall for the newly united Germany? Could some of these problems have been avoided? How? In answering these questions, you need to reflect upon and refer to the various events outlined in this lesson. Who were the players during the "two plus four" negotiations and what were their interests? What was the overall mood in Germany at the time and how would the alternatives you suggest have affected that mood?
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The Forest Spiral hundertwasser building in Germany
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What do the people in these cultures seem to believe about how they came to be?
What qualities do they share as a people? What seems important to them? Why does the creator in these tales make people in the first place?Do these people have a reason to be there?If people want to be like their creatos, what would a good person be like, and what would a bad person be like?
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Research Paper: recent Federal Reserve monetary policy action
1. The objective of the Federal Reserve action.
2. An analysis of the mechanism behind how the Fed changes interest rates.
3. A description of the fiscal policy alternative that had the potential to achieve the same short-term goal and the associated pros and cons.
4. A discussion of the benefits and costs of an activist monetary policy in general.
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Space, the amazing universe
According to substantivalists (e.g. Newton) space is an independent object that exists in and of itself. In other words, no other objects are required for space to exist. On the other side of the ontological debate, space is solely relational. Relationists (e.g. Leibniz) claim that the existence of space is dependent on other objects. if there were no objects, space would not exist.
Which side of the debate, if any, do you think provides the best description of space? Please explain
Physicist Brian Greene raises an interesting issue for philosophical consideration. He asks the question: why is the universe as it is? For instance, why are there four fundamental forces? Why not three or five? The inter-relationships among the subatomic, microscopic and massive, the delicate balance of the fundamental forces, they all work together to create the universe as we know it. One miniscule alteration of the property of a fundamental feature of the universe and the world would be vastly different.
For example: "An increase in the nuclear reaction rate would cause stars to burn out far more quickly, having a devastating effect on the formation of life as we know it. On the other hand, were the strength of the gravitational force to significantly decrease, matter would not clump together at all, thereby preventing the formation of galaxies.
It is evident that the universe is calibrated perfectly for the existence of life (as we know it). Do you think science can, in principle, provide a satisfactory or adequate explanation for why the fundamental properties of the universe are the way they are? Please explain.
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Nurse-Sensitive Indicator Paper
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court observation
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Fair Wage
The purpose of this paper is to begin developing principles for what would count as a fair wage. One answer is simply to let actually existing markets do the work. If this is your answer, then you need to grapple with the problems unearthed in both Grapes of Wrath and the Holmstrom book.
If you reject that solution, presumably you reject it because actually existing markets impact human beings in ethically unacceptable ways. Your burden would then be to offer a plausible account of what would count as an 'acceptable' impact of wages....The more general you make this account (that is, the more principled) the better.
Why? Because a general account of fair wages can be used to apply to multiple cases rather than just one particular job.
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Rainbows, Mirages, and the Green Flash
How are rainbows produced? Do you need to look toward or away from the sun? Does the sun need to be high or low in the sky? How is white sunlight split into colors? Why is there sometimes a secondary rainbow? How is it different from the primary rainbow? What are and where are the supernumerary arcs?
What produces mirages? What type of mirage do we most commonly see here in the desert southwest? Why does the ground look wet? What is a superior mirage? When (under what kinds of conditions) might you look for a superior mirage? How might you distinquish an inferior from a superior mirage?
The green flash is a little more complicated to explain. What did you learn about the green flash? Have you ever seen the green flash yourself?
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1. Construct demand curves for two different consumers of cigarettes. One consumer has only recently started to smoke because her boyfriend does so and thus, has a relatively elastic demand curve (i.e. flat slope) and one consumer has smoked for 30 years and therefore has a relatively inelastic demand curve (i.e. steep slope). Draw the equilibrium position for both of the smokers, assuming the price of a pack of cigarettes were $3/pack. It is best to draw these graphs on separate but parallel graphs and then scan them in. 2. Assume that the government decides to tax the suppliers of cigarettes and therefore the price of a pack of cigarettes increases from $3/pack to $6 per pack (remember that a tax on suppliers will shift the supply curve up and back). Draw the resultant equilibrium. 3. Which of the consumers would change their consumption behavior the most? 4. Who bears the burden of the increased tax: the new smoker, the veteran smoker, or the supplier (note that in some cases suppliers can pass along a tax increase to their consumers and in some cases they cannot-describe this for each consumer)? You must cite your textbook and online sources.
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The Social Responsibility of Business
Step One: Evaluate the Argument
a. Identify the issue that is addressed in the argument.
b. Explain the argument and identify the premises and conclusions.
c. Evaluate the argument. ? If the argument has a deductive component, is it valid and sound? Why?
? If the argument has an inductive component, is it strong or weak? Why?
? Remember that arguments often contain both inductive and deductive components. Do your best to identify all the arguments that are used to support the position presented in the piece.
Step Two: Create a Counterargument
a. Create a counterargument to the original argument. ? Present premises that support your own position while also pointing out the weaknesses inherent in the original argument. Avoid the use of fallacious reasoning and anecdotal evidence.
? If you are using inductive arguments, make sure that they are strong. If you are using deductive arguments, make sure that they are valid and attempt to provide sound premises.
? Use factual evidence and/or logical support from at least three scholarly sources to support your argument.
? This might require you to play “devil’s advocate.” Remember that you do not need to agree with the position for which you argue. You may need to take on an opposing position to your own personal view and argue from that position. Critical thinkers are able to take on opposing perspectives and identify the strongest arguments from those perspectives.
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Epidemics and History First Paper
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Beauty Dream
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Having read both the ancient biography of Hadrian and a modern narrative of his reign and learned about his art and architecture, it is clear that Hadrian was in many respects an enigmatic figure.
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Nutrition and Wellness
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Research Paper, Law: why is freedom of speech important
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Baston vs. Kentucky
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Applying Literary Theory/Criticism
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Fast Food Nation
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Sacred Destination
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation about a vacation or a retreat to a sacred place in mythology, for example, the Oracle at Delphi or the Mahabodhi Temple. This place may or may not currently exist.
The use of images is encouraged.
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Market Research
Now that you have figured out your "why" and how you would like to spend your time with work/life balance, it's time to start researching how to develop your "idea" for a business into an actual business.
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Opinions on gun control by age group
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Essay, History and Political Science: Madam C. J. Walker
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Labor Market IssuesLabor Economics examines the organization, functioning, and outcomes of labor markets; the decisions of labor market
participants; and the policies relating to labor resources.I How do we "do" labor economics?
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Research Paper: Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
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Testosterone and REM sleep
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The glass menagerie by tenesse williams
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To what extent is understanding intentions necessary or helpful for toddlers' and preschoolers' psychological development in other domains?
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Essay: William Wordsworth
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Advisory role of the Supreme Court of Canada - Patriation reference and Quebec Veto Reference
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Discuss the impact of culture on the expression and interpretation of clinically relevant individual differences.
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Education - Texas Principal Preparation
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Early Socialisation
Critically review the factors determining attachment and the findings of psychological research into bonding and attachment.
Analyse the variety of psychological perspectives on attachment and evaluate their practical significance.
Critically analyse the effects of privation and deprivation on children.
Critically evaluate the effects of childcare provision on pre-school children.
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Vitamin C face lotion
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'Fault Lines' by Raghuram Rajan.
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Research Paper: Sadi Carnot & Heat Engine
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Beowulf and Sir Gawain& Green Knight
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A good man is hard to find
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Medicinial chemistry honours level
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Reaching Success through Best Project Management Practices
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Upgrading an Old System of a Company
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Globalisation , the World Economy and MNEs
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Assessment Task: Portfolio of evidence
1. Reflect on a journal article, study or piece of research, identifying its impact and relevance to your team's innovation
2. Reflect upon your own style of team working and the contribution this made to the team. You should identify how you negotiated your role within your multi-professional team and areas for personal development.
3. Reflect on and discuss one risk or barrier associated with implementing the change required for your team’s innovation, and potential ways to minimise that issue
4. Consider the ways in which you could involve service users and carers in the development and evaluation of your innovation and how you would manage this.
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Opinions on gun control by age group
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Baston vs. Kentucky
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Norman "salior Jeryy" Collins
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You are driving your automobile out West at midday on a flat, uninhabited, featureless and treeless desert in crystal clear weather. You are driving on a small rise and can see ten miles in every direction. Except for the road you are driving on, there is nothing but flat sand as far as the eye can see. Ahead is a highway stop sign at the intersection of your road and a crossroad.
Assume that there are no police officers, law enforcement officers, detectors, aircraft, cameras, etc. that can detect whether you stop or not. Whether you stop will be known only to you. Also assume that there are no other vehicles, pedestrians, or any people at all within a ten mile radius. Assume that if you do not stop at the stop sign, you cannot hit anyone, any thing, or cause any harm or risk to yourself or to anybody else or any thing.
The question is: Do you stop your car at the stop sign or just drive through it without stopping? Please state your justification and reasoning.
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Boxing the Compass, address one of the following topic:
1. Does Boxing the compass resist or embrace idolatry? Explain what idolatry is and argue how Florian's novella either escapes or becomes trapped by idolatry.
2. What would Paul's reading of Boxing the Compass be? Explain that reading and then argue in support of or against it.
3. how does Boxing the Compass engage with Genesis 6-9? Explain the flood story from Genesis and then argue how Florian wrestles with the flood story in her novella.
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Research Paper, History and Political Science: Occupy Wallstreet
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Comparing city planing,green policy between beijing China and Soul, Korea. providing suggestions to Seoul Metropolitan Government
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Investigation of an issue: transgender
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Arches of the foot and mechanism of walking (Normal and abnormal human gait)
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Pain and suffering in one's self and in solidarity with others
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Describe the Ottoman-Turkish Empire’s repression policies against secessionist minorities (Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians, Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject Muslim populations (Arabs and Kurds) in the 1820s-1918.
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Anishinabe Social Issues
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(1) women (Real or Fictional) from HIstory or Current times and examine her life in the context of what you learn here (Women's Mental Health Class)
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Term Paper: Soul Food the movie
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Describe the involvement and participation of African American civilians and soldiers in the Great War (WWI), 1917-1918.
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Revising a Learning Space
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Critique on the powerpoint presentation of Stress vs Memory
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Term Paper: Big Bend
1- what was the depositional environment of the sedimentary rocks exposed in the study area?
2- Whats the nature of magmatism? “ composition, age, and type of intrusive bodies”
3- What type of folds and faults are exposed in the study area and when did they form?
4- Whats the sequence of events “ geologic history” archived in the dagger flat area?
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Plate tectonics (earthquakes and volcanoes)
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Summary of Cathedral by Raymond Carver
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court report Assessment
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business process assignment
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Expert says Sydney dentist had no reason to file down teeth
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Newspaper Analysis Report
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Research methods, The influence of Apple as a company, brand awareness and people’s perceptions
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critical reading and reflect key concepts
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ethical dairy
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Interventions in Situations of Trauma - People affected from bushfires
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Twentieth Century China
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Literature review on Sydney Harbour Bridge project
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mobile news Assessment
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why we teaching technology in our high school
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Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of outsourcing based on holden's case
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capability building of Meru Cabs
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Teaching forensic odontology in the Middle East, especially (Saudi Arabia)
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What was the role of the mainstream media in creating ‘law and order’ as the key issue in the last Victorian State election?
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lenovo takeover ibm report
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Employment Relations in context Assessment
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Contemporary Issues In International Political Economy
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Research Methods for Business
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Creativity and innovation Management
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Research Paper: Why did labour win in 1945?
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Measuring stellar brightnesses and stellar colors with virtual simulators.
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How can Topshop enter the Chinese market?
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Should the federal government legalize the use of marijuana?
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Describe the Ottoman-Turkish Empire’s repression policies against secessionist minorities (Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians, Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject Muslim populations (Arabs and Kurds) in the 1820s-1918.
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1. The Court of Chancery developed almost by historical accident.
2. Unlike the Common Law courts, it was willing to recognise new rights e.g. the use (trust) and new remedies e.g. injunctions and specific performance.
3. Equity was never a complete system of law and only intervened in some areas.
4. The maxims of equity guide discretion.
5. Equity has proved very flexible with many different types of trust being developed. E.g. public trusts, private trusts, fixed trusts, discretionary trusts, constructive trusts, resulting trusts etc.
6. Some trusts do not fit easily into any category e.g. secret trusts, Quistclose trusts etc.
7. The controversial issue today is how flexible equity should still be in recognising new rights and remedies e.g. proprietary estoppel, common intention constructive trusts.
8. in broad theory equity was an approach to justice which gave more weight than did the law to particular circumstances and hard cases
Explain the above how the equity system developed and what effect has today taking the above informations
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Choose an ethnic or racial group that immigrated to the U.S. and in a four to six page paper describe the conditions that they left behind as well as the conditions they faced upon entering the US.
Document the ethnic group you chose and their country of origin, include when they left (you do not have to be too specific, a range of decades will suffice ex: from 1870 – 1900).
Explain why the group left and what conditions they left behind in their country of origin.
Describe the process they adhered to in order to enter the country.
Include your results to the “Citizenship Quiz” from week 2.
Analyze the general attitude of the US population at the time your group immigrated and choose what theory you would use to explain those attitudes.
Compare and contrast the values and beliefs of the ethnic minority or racial group you chose with the majority group.
Describe the current conditions within their country of origin.
In your opinion was the journey worth it, would you have made the same decision they did?
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Aristotle assumed the Universe was infinite in extent and age. What are the logical physical/observational problems with the Universe being of infinite age?
Describe some of the necessary assumptions needed for Erasthosenes method to work. Although this method produced a reasonably accurate measure of the size of the Earth, what do you think the major sources of error might be?
Even thought the Ptolemaic model is completely incorrect, it remained as the established model for about 1800 years. Briefly discuss why you think this model was so widely accepted that no one questioned it for centuries.
Explain how Galileo's observation of the phases of Venus implied (in fact almost proves) that the Sun must be at the center of the Solar System.
Explain the difference in cultural conditions in the time of Nicholas of Cusa compared to Bruno which lead to the latter being burned at the stake even though he mostly just re-iterated what Cusa had said.
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Chinese Calligraphy
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Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others.
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how current policy intervention reflects upon specific dependent groups are more widely conceptualised?
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Assisting Teachers to choose the appropriate e-learning tool
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Research Paper: Effects Nutrition has on Athletes
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Term Paper: Research-based paper on the Problem Solving Process (PSP) for a selected organization
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Creating an Exhibition
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Research Paper: Aviation Aircraft Accident American Airline Flight 2253 Boeing 757-200, N668AA
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Critically examine how human rights legislation, ideas and concepts might be applied to a social care practice area of your choice:
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Research project compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative methods 2 examples of each
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Discuss the effectiveness of international human rights law drawing on the experience of any mechanism of your choice.
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How to run a simulation company
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Medicinal chemistry honours level
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Be able to determine the properties and selection of materials from test and date sources.Understand the relationships between manufacturing processes and material behavior
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To what extent is United States trade policy with the Middle East determined by political rather than economic considerations?
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IEEE Technical paper based on 1597.1 standard in Electromagnetic compatibility
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Research Paper: Compare and contrast Defensible Networks
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Retrofitting of Existing Reinforced Concrete Members with Carbon FibreRetrofitting of Existing Reinforced Concrete Members with Carbon Fibre
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A policy map is a plan you create for identifying and addressing specific elements and/or approaches to a social problem. A policy map is a visual rendering of a social agency's history, mission, the policies that exist within that agency, money streams that are relevant to its purpose, and the stakeholders involved in the agency's mission, purpose, and overall effectiveness.
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create a policy map for an agency with which you are familiar.
Veterans’ Medical Center and the homeless program.
To prepare: Review "Mapping Agencies' Policies" and refer to Figure 4.4, "Map of Agency Policies," in the Jansson text as an orienting framework. Also, review Policy Advocacy Challenge 4.5 in the "Mapping Agencies' Policies" section as a guide for getting you started. Select an agency with which you are familiar and develop a "policy map" for the agency, using examples from your text. Be sure to add a narrative describing the agency and the community that it serves. Identify the different kinds of agency policies including mission statements, budgets, central policies, and policies of subunits.
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As a consequence of the high levels of stress being recorded in the UK, there has been a general shift towards a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle. This is now perceived as an essential ingredient for good health. In addition the vanity level of both men and women appears to be rising. It is therefore of no surprise that the Health and Beauty sector in the leisure industry is sitting comfortably, enjoying increasing profits, but not without severe competition.“Today’s hectic lifestyle most certainly requires an antidote to replenish the mind & soul”. This is the focus of Serene Hall, a health spa resort located in the centre of England. Serene Hall enjoys the grandeur of a large stately home, enveloped in the heart of the Staffordshire countryside. This magnificent building was built by Sir Miles Taylor, for his wife Serene Taylor around 1808. It has remained in the Taylor family ever since. This elegant residence was diligently resurrected many years ago, to capture and relinquish its original aura and kudos. Thus creating the perfect ambience for the premier health spa it has become today.
The spa provides for a variety of clientele, offering top of the range services in an attempt to de-stress, relax and revitalise their customers. Services / facilities offered range from an effortless stroll around the stupendous grounds, offering, even today the well maintained, refreshing woodforest walks, to the more rigorous workouts in the gym, naturally, equipped with state of the art machinery. Dining and wining facilities leave nothing to be desired. And if all you want is to be pampered, then the list of treatments from which you can choose is endless.
The resurrection of Serene Hall has been supported in the main by generations of the Taylor family (who also hold the largest grouping of shares) and a £50 million cash injection from the Hatwest merchant bank, which has a 25% shareholding in the company. The management team consists of the Managing Director, Marketing Director, Finance Director and Operations Director. Three other directors have joined within the last five years, with a promise of 15% bonuses over the next five years. These are to be based on the Return on Investment and profit growth figures. The company has grown quickly, mainly due to family ownership keeping costs tightly under control. The growth in this industry, despite a general downturn in the economy as a whole, has only helped facilitate the profits of Serene Hall. So much so that Serene Hall is now operating with a full order book and little if any slack. Ironically the management are beginning to worry about the stress levels of their own staff. In light of this change in market demand, which has crept up on Serene Hall almost unnoticed, the Directors decided to undergo a strategic analysis exercise.
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a) The current unit product cost for Advanced Circuitry, Boosted Circuitry and Customised Circuitry. Show your calculations in the appendix up to 2 decimal points
b) The new unit product costs of the three circuit boards using Activity-based costing. Show all calculations
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The purpose of this assignment is to provide realistic experience related to creating and presenting a marketing plan in the sports industry of your choice. The group project will require that the cumulative knowledge of the course be presented through an annual marketing plan and a presentation of that plan with projected outcomes. The groups will be determined between the third week and sixth weeks of class. Expectations for group work are as follows:
Groups are to self-select a leader. That person will communicate needs of the group to me at regular intervals to make sure the work is moving along and everyone is participating.
Papers are to be clearly contributed to by all members.
Presentation will require all members of the group to speak.
A draft, or outline, of the paper will be due the 14th week of class (May 1st) for approval by instructor of content and direction of plan.
Groups may “fire” members anytime up to the 12th week of class for a valid reason.
“Fired” individuals may move to another group or complete the assignment on their own, with approval.
The details for the group paper and presentation will be handed out when the groups are determined.
Your grade will be based on the thoughtfulness of your analysis, depth of your plan and expected outcome, your insights, detail and examples used to illustrate your understanding of the topics covered in the course, along with the writing composition (well organized, concise, etc.).
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Theory X and Theory Y
Please note that in order for you to get an A grade on this assignment, your paper has to address both the Content and Structure Assignment Expectations (see below).
As you read about Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in the background materials, you might have wondered how it applies to your own organization. Now is your chance to find out!
SLP Assignment Expectations (Content)
Take the following free survey offered by
Total both scores - the management/situation score, and the personal preference score.
Then answer the following questions in an essay of 2 pages. In answering the questions, please make sure to use analysis, or to apply the XY Theories to facts in your own experiences.
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pneumatic linear actuators
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Fashion retail concepts of the future
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The skeleton and joints
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English Phonology and Constraint Based Phonology
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‘A business has ‘broke even’ and survived its first year of trading. As it enters a stage of relatively rapid growth, describe the INTERNAL hazards that may impact on the business and critically argue what may be done to reduce the overall risk.’
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First Adoption of IFRS by an entity in particular country – a case study
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Domestic international Money
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Portfolio Optimisation and Portfolio Performance Measurement
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Research Paper: How is the Four Seasons Resort developing its competitive product in a way that it will affect long-term sustainable competitive advantages?
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Laughter and people
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How would i change this film?
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Evaluating Research for Health Care
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Lean thinking (Layout Planning)
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Developing an Integrated SLA Theory
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Representing Players and Teams
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Critically evaluate the establishment and operation of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
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Nerve lesions of lower limb (Muscle testing of lower limb)
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Critical reflection on an aspect of contraception clinical practice
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Code-switching among students in the UK
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Literature, arts and humanities power point presentation
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Write about ocean resource economic
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Leading Organiational Change Course - Successful Change Management Programs
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Sustainable supply chain, sustainable strategy and sustainability reporting (for Marks & spencer and Waitrose)
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To evaluate and analyze the good cost control of Samsung
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Compare CAFR for City of Perris 2012 and 2013 and City of Temecula 2013 using ratios
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Whitebox testing and blackbox testing
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Develop a case study of one or more national, group or minority language rights situations of a country that is suited in the European Union. A comparison is recommended. Your paper should: Identify a sociolinguistic issue or problem, describe it in detai
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What are your personal ethics and how do they fit with your future in academia?
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Transport geography
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Term Paper: Stocks and beta
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Research Paper: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
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Case study of dozier industries
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Research Paper: Schoolwide Effectiveness in Public School System
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Many scholars suggest that an intensified economic exchange between North and South would trigger a “race to the bottom,” which would mean that eventually, workers all over the world would earn the same low wages that workers in the South currently year
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The technological and cultural changes between the relationship of Telegraph and Facebook
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Paul Klree- creative credo
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Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
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Research Paper: Revenue Recognition and Income and the Internal Revenue Code
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The Time Machine- H.G. Wells
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Megacities of Asia
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Identify IS Needs in the value chain-
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Research Paper: The psychological impact of disney animated films on young children
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Physical and cultural aspect of the city of Islamic origins which are still present in the contemporary Arab city
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Research Paper: Women of STEM - Introduction and Background Research
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write a report identifying and describing the stages necessary to evaluate the potential of a new business idea and describe the skills you feel entrepreneurs / intrapreneurs need.
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Term Paper: Capturing and Delivering Value
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‘A business has ‘broke even’ and survived its first year of trading. As it enters a stage of relatively rapid growth, describe the INTERNAL hazards that may impact on the business and critically argue what may be done to reduce the overall risk.’
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Domestic international Money
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Portfolio Optimisation and Portfolio Performance Measurement
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Developing an Integrated SLA Theory
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Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
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Semiotics of Law in AI and Law
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Pick one cultural space, site, exhibition, performance or project. How inclusive and participatory is it, and why?
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Research Paper: Factors for the prevalence of diabetes and mental health(inpatient) in the UK
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Term Paper: An Evaluation of the Recent IEEE 802.11ac Wireless Protocol
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Research Paper: The Soviet Union Famine of 1932
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Adult spartan free man.
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If the marijuana be legalized in all the United States,what the benefit influence of that to the economy?
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Sustainable supply chain, ( Marks & spencer and Waitrose)
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Identifying a Sociological Perspective in the Media
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Should Public Employees be Required to Pay an Agency Fee ?
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The Danger Of Subliminal Persuasion In Advertising
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Research paper on unemployment
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Advise the Board of Directors of Choc Delux of their liability to Kylie under the tort of negligence.
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About Hank Ketcham and Dennis the Menace
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International Human Resources Management : 1. To what extent do national institutions influence firms’ adoption of work-life balance policies? Discuss using evidence
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The purpose of a Code of Ethics within Police Agencies
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Research Paper: 5-year career mangement plan
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Examine the relationship between friar Lawrence and romeo in romeo and Juliet
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The Role of a Woman
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childrens’ products
1) Assess the evidence of the existence of a ‘Global Kids’ segment.
2) Recommend ways in which such a global segment could be targeted.
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Marketing for Events
1) introduction<br />
2) Outline of event: the client is Samsung, and choice of event is a the launch of a phone e.g. S7
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social policy- policy analysis
the plan which has been provided by my tutor I will attach once I am assigned my writer - But the assignment will be looking at new labour government policies 1997-2000 and compare these with more recent developments under the conservative liberal democrat government elected in 2010- the area of policy should be relevant to families and children/young people and provide critical evaluation of social policies in the chosen area.
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Cultural turns
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In their essays “White Privilege” and “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?” McIntosh and Tatum explore the ways in which members of these two racial groups must face and react to societal [dis]advantages and expectations. After reading and comparing them, consider how relevant and truthful their finds are. Is there anything you [dis]agree with? Have you ever experienced anything that they mention? Do they speak of anything that still occurs today? What points stuck out the most for you? Do they use enough evidence to back up their points?
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Etheridge (“Music as a Safe Haven”) and Manson (“Columbine: Whose Fault is It?”) write about the effect music does (or does not) have on an individual. How do you feel about their arguments? How would you describe their ethos (character), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic, evidence, proof, etc.)? How does music fit into your life? If it doesn’t, what stands in for it in terms of meaningfulness? Can you recall any specific moments in which this type of entertainment impacted your life? Likewise, how do you feel about blaming music (and other forms of entertainment) for the tragedies in America?
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Manson (“Columbine: Whose Fault is It?”) and Kimmel (“Gender, Class, and Terrorism”) discuss the reasons why people commit heinous acts, as well as the ways we seek to find scapegoats to ease our own guilt and blame someone ASAP. How do you feel about their arguments? Do they use enough evidence to support their claims? Does their reasoning make sense, or can you find a flaw in it? Finally, join in the conversation: who (or what) should we blame for these acts (if anyone/anything)?
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Kilbourne (“Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt”) and Abernethy (“Male-Bashing TV”) discuss how women and men are unfairly portrayed in the media. How do you feel about their arguments? Do they use enough evidence to support their claims? Does their reasoning make sense, or can you find a flaw in it? Which examples stuck out the most to you? Finally, join in the conversation: which gender is objectified more in society? Do you see any realistic way to stop it?
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Moore (“Why Doesn’t GM Sell Crack?”) and Sullivan (“Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay Marriage”) each discuss a social issue that affects society at large. In the former piece, Moore argues that the dismantled livelihoods of individual families, as well as the greed of top executives, leads to a destroyed community, while the latter piece features a discussion of how gay marriage not only leaves “traditional” marriage unaffected, but also how it could actually benefit communities, individuals (including children), and the economy. In addition, both pieces features a concrete list of ways in which their argument would work. Pick one of the two and discuss if you find their argument valid or not. Think about their ethos, pathos, and logos. Which points work and which, if any, don’t? Can you see any valid counterarguments not addressed, and if so, how do you think the author(s) would refute them? Is there any realistic solution to this issue, or are we destined to struggle with it for the foreseeable future?
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Construct a brief yet effective presentation related to your paper. Your presentation should last 5 minutes. You should have some sort of visual aid, a Powerpoint presentation, a Word document with a breakdown of your paper, a display of your outside sources, etc. The presentation doesn’t have to be overly fancy or elaborate; it just has to give the rest of the class something to look at as you’re speaking in front of them.
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Psychological perspective
A. Discuss the behaviorist perspective and use supportive scientific, theory-based evidence.
B. Explain how it is related to "The Noticer"
C. Relate Behavioristic perspective to your own views and what you learned from the book
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history of economics
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What do you consider to be two key challenges for software project managers? Explain your answer.
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common property
discussing the possible use of common property to address the commons problem. Please develop your discussion within the context of either (1) Acheson and the lobster fiefs or (2) Cinner and customary marine tenure in the Indo-Pacific. Note: you don’t have to read Acheson if you read Cinner and vice versa, but in either case you should show evidence of having read Hardin and either Wade or Seabright.
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Spiritual Needs Assessment
Write a brief summary of your assessment findings.
What significant discoveries did you make about the individual you chose to assess?
What went well?
What would you do differently in the future?
Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
Describe the spiritual experience you had with your patient, family member, or friend using this tool. How does this tool allow you to better meet the needs of your patient?
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Political Socialization and Ideology
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Pricing Issues
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Classical & Operant Conditioning Examples
(1) Robert gets a ticket for driving under the influence that results in a $500 fine and suspension of his driving license.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What's the behavior involved? Will it increase or decrease?
What kind of consequence is involved?
(2) Chris is bitten by the neighbor's German Shepherd. Now whenever she sees a dog in the neighborhood, she becomes afraid and runs away. She still enjoys petting her own family's cocker spaniel.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What is the conditioned stimulus? Unconditioned stimulus? Conditioned and unconditioned response?
Is this an example of stimulus generalization? Stimulus discrimination?
(3) Jacob's date was wearing a very alluring cologne on their recent date. The date itself was quite passionate. The following day when Jacob gets into his car he smells the lingering scent of his date's cologne and becomes transfixed with joy.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What is the unconditioned stimulus? Conditioned stimulus? Unconditioned and conditioned response?
Is this an example of stimulus generalization or discrimination?
Can Jacob forget about his date and just go purchase a bottle of the cologne? Will his reaction subside?
(4) Martin has a panic attack during a plane ride. Now the mere thought of an airplane makes him very nervous. Twenty years pass and Martin is still afraid of airplanes even though he never took another flight.
Is this classical or operant conditioning?
What are the US, CS, UR, and CR?
Why hasn't this response extinguished?
(5) Shelly is in the grocery store with her dad. As they near the checkout lane, Shelly starts whining for a candy bar but her dad says no. Shelly begins to cry and cries louder when her dad continues to refuse. At the checkout lane, in front of the cashier, Shelly throws herself onto the floor and begins screaming. Her dad responds by grabbing a candy bar and giving it to her. She quickly quiets down and eats her candy bar. This exchange gets repeated on subsequent trips to the grocery store.
Classical or operant?
What is Shelly's behavior in this example? What kind of consequence follows her behavior?
What is dad's behavior in this example? What kind of consequence follows his behavior?
How should dad handle this situation differently?
(6) Your bright cat has learned that your presence in the kitchen is associated with food. Your cat has also learned that he can encourage your presence in the kitchen on Saturday mornings by standing on your chest and meowing (when you are obviously trying to sleep). You decide to get up and feed the cat to shut it up, but the problem only gets worse on subsequent weekends.
Classical or operant? (Be careful with this one!)
You know the drill. If it's operant, what kind of consequence is involved? If it's classical, what are the assorted stimuli and responses?
Could it be both operant and classical?
(7) You throw a wild party at which you consume too much alcohol (vodka and orange juice). You become very sick and spend a few hours vomiting. The next morning while cleaning up the mess, you get a whiff of the vodka and orange juice that were still sitting out in the kitchen. You immediately become nauseated and run to the bathroom to vomit some more (pretty picture, isn't it?).
Classical or operant?
What are the assorted stimuli and responses involved?
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Prevention of Chilhood Obesity in the Borough of Hackney
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The Battle of the Bulge
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Occupational Therapy
Put your protagonist in a specific workplace and give us the sounds, smells, and feeling of that environment. What is your protagonist?s attitude toward the work? Enthusiastic? Obsessive? Frustrated? Demeaned? How is your protagonist defined by his or her job(s)? Show him or her in a combination of thought and action, reflection and dialogue, giving a sense of your character?s position in the workplace.
Remember to inspire your character with a conflict. Give them a challenge or problem to face, and try to show us how the character faces this conflict both internally and externally. Will they triumph and be heroic, or fail and be tragic? It's up to you, but give us a character in a workplace and let us be there with them as they struggle.
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Islamic Mortgages in the United States
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Chaucer and the Middle Ages: The Canterbury Tales
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company marketing strategy analyse Essay
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Political Intervention effects on business in China and India
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Making Modern Identities Assessment
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Duty of Care Assessment
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China media profile
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employment relationship Essay
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major events in the foreign exchange markets and the Australian and international economy that you have identified from financial pages of newspapers and financial news websites at any time during the period 1st January - 13th April 2014.
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Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Report
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Book review on Rising to the Challenge: China's Grand Strategy and International Security
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consider the status of the hypotheses in light of the data and to consider what implications this has
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A business proposal for a conceptual virtual organisation
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Analysis of health care system
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The Numerical Study of the Effect of Wind in a Compartment Fire Using Fire dynamics simulator
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Analytical Methods in Economics and Finance
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Should the accounting profession bear any of the blame for the financial crisis which began in 2007/08?
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The Global environment of e-business: Taxation of Internet Commerce
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presentation of Herny Ford ( a creative hero)
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Does the bundling of human resource practices result in better performance?
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Social Media and its effect on Online Presence
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Use economic theories and empirical research findings to support your argument
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Building Components and types
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Urban planing(Mexico city, Mumbai)
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The LabVolt “Motors, Generators and Controls”
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Information privacy Assessment
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Equity's Darling
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Do increasing opportunities for women in the military weaken our armed forces?
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Why Artists Paint Animals: Leonardo da Vinci's Lady with Ermine (1490) and William Holman Hunt's Scapegoat (1854-6).
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Conflict Map and Recommendations
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What is truth, and why is it possible for multiple versions of the truth to exist?(movies)
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Mongol rule Essay
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Amazing Technologies & Forum Personal Stories of Change
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Theories of Teaching and Learning
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compare and contrast Functionalism and Marxism across ONE of the following dimensions: motivation to work, exploitation, or status/prestige.
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Control Systems LAB report (theory)
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A critical evaluation of an E Entrepreneurial Australian business
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state why it is a globalisation issue, and outline briefly your research approach.
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ethical responsibilities involved in CSR
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Standard deviation and beta are the appropriate measures of risk of investment
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Leisure concept
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Killer Coke Case Study
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Creative Campaign - Case Study Report
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Choose a theory of media industries and use it to develop an analysis of an example of a media organisation
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leaf transpiration Report
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Evidence for Advanced Practice
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You are to design a tourist experience that provides an adventure experience for a nominated target group
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Queuing Analysis for a business process
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Standard deviation and beta
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is-lm and mundell-fleming model
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SWOT analysis
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Speech of Managing technology and innovation
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Perioperative Care Essay - Case Study
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Nursing management of a patient requiring hospitalisation
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Materials and manufacturing report (polymer moulded bottle assembly
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Explain why it was that Europe colonised Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, rather than Asia and Africa colonising Europe
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Bullying in the Workplace Essay
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Reasons behind collapse of the company HIH Insurance
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disability in terms of normal human functioning
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Acute Health Case Study- Osteoarthritis
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Mass Spectrometry Essay
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The coverage of Israel-Palestinian conflict
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Teachers Perceptions about use of ICT in class as explaine by theoretical frameworks
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The liberal capitalist economic paradigm within which governments operate is often cited as the cause of poverty, the breakdown of communities and the dehumanising of governance systems. What if there was a better way?
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Examine changes of one industry/market in Germany and China
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A Wind-Storm in the Forests by John Muir
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Change Management Project or Strategy in a Health Organisation within Victoria, Australia
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Discuss the diagnostic value of of less invasive imaging modalities in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease when compared to invasive coronary angiography which is regarded as the gold standard technique.
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Competing in China’s Automobile Industry
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advantages and disadvantages of “Three Strikes” and mandatory sentencing legislation
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Comparison between HongKong people and Mainland Chinese people in perspectives of langauge and identity
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Internship Action Plan and Networking Review
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condition of the lumbopelvic region or lower extremity: Anterior knee pain
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Commercial Banking Regulation in Australia
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What are the impacts of global financial crisis on the insurance industry in the USA. How effective are the US government’s policies in tackling from its impacts.?
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The role of Twitter and Facebook
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Geomechanics investigation report
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Communication and Social Theory-An academic paper
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The "I" of the Monster in Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Research Paper
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Medical-Surgical Nursing Case Study
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global warming Report
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Newton’s method is a method of solving equations
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Critical appraisal of a randomised control group
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State and City in Europe and Asia
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Identifying potential challenges to successful transition to graduate nursing practice
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service learning Report
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Critical evaluation & development of a business proposal
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Please select at least one product/service (or a number of products/services or a combination of both) and discuss the influence of different ‘Internal Factors’ on a consumer’s decision-making process for that product or service.
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IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist over the next few years. Discuss the various protocols, tools and techniques used by adminstrators and ISPs to migrate their networks to IPv6.
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Leadership in management(Analyse why you consider Analyse why you consider him or her to be a leader?Describe his or her Key Strengths and Weaknesses as a leader. What makes you consider that person as an effective leader? Justify your answer.
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Declining the buy off offer
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People's bad health is based upon the poor choices they make in their life
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The liberal capitalist economic paradigm within which governments operate is often cited as the cause of poverty, the breakdown of communities and the dehumanising of governance systems. What if there was a better way?
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Financial accounting issues (choose single measurement model or the mixed measurement model)
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Develop a budget and CVP analysis to make tactical decisions for a case study
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analysis interpersonal meaning
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Determine whether the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook was a good decision
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Time Traveler Project
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how terroir can assist in increasing wine sales, marketing and branding of the region and how it impacts tourism in the area
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What are the gaps and limitations of nurse practitioners working in the community mental health sector?
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AL Rayan Bank Report
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silver surfers Report
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Supply Chain Principles Assessment
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To examine the price movements and the performance of (CHN&AUS )two stock exchanges
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Gender Roles Assessment
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Discuss why corporate governance is important in building confidence in organisations and examine the way in which companies report on corporate governance, providing illustrations from company accounts that you have found
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Select a Business Unit within the John Lewis Partnership and evaluate its strategy
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acute care Report
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medication, search side effect
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your strengths and challenges in the light of Ethics and Social Responsibility
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strengths and challenges you see in the field of ethics and social responsibility in your country of belonging
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Technologies are used that make up a “digital footprint”.
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Mental Health and Social Work Practice
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Environmental Justice: Greenland (ice melting) - economic/governmental policies
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Daoism Research Paper
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essay for A&P and Araby
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The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries
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Violence is not an accident of our systems; structural or systemic violence is their foundation and intrinsic to their way of working. Discuss with particular reference to capitalism
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International Financial Crime in relation to Australia: Identify an aspect of the Australian: •anti-corruption legal framework (bribery)
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Medical-Surgical Nursing Case Study
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Play a role of art critic by viewing an exhibit
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Research Paper Compare and contrast two slave narratives from two different states.
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Research Paper Medical Cannabis
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Michael bennett(unique style)- A Chorus Line and Dream Girls
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Rhetoric used in slavery arguments
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Assess the potential significance for anthropologists of the ideas of Gramsci.
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Case study on chronic illness
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Why did Emile Henry bomb the Café Terminus in Paris on February 12, 1894? In the book The dynamite club
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Advanced Macroeconomics, Investment and asset prices
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aspect of contract and negligence for business
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Standard APS 210 with respect to capital and liquidity
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Developing a working thesis
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Critically evaluate the social, cultural or political implications of either the planning, controlling or decision making elements of management accounting
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Recruitment and Retention Presentation Assessment
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Spring Launcher Report
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Curriculum and pedagogy Assessment
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Report: Investigating with A child birth- 5 years
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Persuasive essay about gold
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Explain why it was that Europe colonised Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, rather than Asia and Africa colonising Europe
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How might we explain the economic problems of the 1920s? In your answer discuss competitive devaluations, the erection of trade barriers and the impact of the Treaty of Versailles
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Evaluate (with cases) how both Sorel and Fanon's understanding of violence is necessary for radical political transformation
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How much do i cost
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The French concept of terroir
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Reality TV in China
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Tackling HIV/AIDS for high school Students in Australia-promoting Health Literacy using Principles of Community Nursing
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Use the three texts below to describe how the language of science changes with changes in audience purpose and mode
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Discuss the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses an individual is likely to experience in response to a newly diagnosed condition with a poor prognosis
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Read Prettejohn v Cairns Regional Council & Ors [2012] QPEC 23 (see ). Identify in your own words: The factual issues relevant to this case including the background
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Colonisation in Achebe's novel "No Longer At Ease" Research Paper
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Discussing the Character "Garcin" in the novel "No Exit"
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Research Paper: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steroid Use.
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Social responsibility of the athletes
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Prepare Investment Portfolio report for a non-profit organization (case study). (liquidity, fixed assets, bonds, equity, derivatives (options, forwards, futures, swaps), etc)
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Case Study: A peasceful Evacuation: Building a Multiple-Project Battalion by Leading Upward
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Transgender and Intersex
how the medical community treats intersex children, and it’s interesting to note that her advocated approach has since become the standard for intersex children and their families. The second is whether we can make room for greater sexual variation. Her contention is that someone going through a full sexual transition (from male to female or vice versa), a person historically called a transsexual, only reinforced the idea of two biological sexes. The transgender community, on the other hand, accepts a great deal of variation in genitals and biological status – some people go through a full transition, while others do not; some use hormones, while others do not. Some members of the transgender community would even argue that gender fluid and genderqueer people are part of the transgender umbrella – they don’t necessarily feel they have the wrong body, but their gender expression does not conform to traditional male and female categories and behaviors.
What she is ultimately asking is whether the medical community can change their theories and practices to accommodate greater biological variation of sex, and whether our society as a whole can possibly come up with a gender system that moves beyond male and female gender, whether we can or should come up with new categories or new ways of thinking about gender behavior. She gives examples of the dangers inherent in life for people whose biological sex and mental gender or gender expression don’t match, and offers alternate methods of categorizing gender, ones with many more options than our current system.
How far have we come along the road she envisions, do you think? Have questions about intersex and transgender people widened our ideas about gender in society as a whole? How did you feel about the cases she cited where intersex and transgender people have adapted their relationships, or where they have found themselves in court because society says they don’t “fit” the definition of a biological male or female? Has the legality of same-sex marriages started to open up possibilities for transgender people as well? Do you think we need a system that gives us “many sexes,” or should we simply allow each person the right to define their own sex and gender? Do we need a set of common terms, or can we allow sex and gender to become completely individualized?
If you were to create some new terms for biological sexes or gender identities, what would they be? Get creative! What kind of new categories can you come up with, based on people you know and people you’ve met?
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