Thursday, April 24, 2014

deontology, teleology, Case Study

Research any theory (i.e., deontology, teleology, etc.) or policy (i.e., ethics statements,transformational leadership to promote ethics organizational ethics) we have discussed in the class and show how this theory is or was used to create or impact a policy, practice or decision that is or was in place in the public sector. Your paper must include a full description of the theory, as well as a full explanation of how this theory is or was used to shape any policy, practice or decision that was or is in place in any area of public admmistration.
you may research deontology and explain how their theory impacted a political decision (perhaps the decision to terminate
a politician who violated principles advocated by deontology). Your paper must include a complete description of the theory and also describe how YOU think this theory impacted the political decision.
Introduction with a clearly defined thesis statement
Clearly define the theory you are referencing Clearly define the policy, practice or decision that has been influenced by this theory Body of your paper contains fully developed paragraphs Conclusion
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