• Briefly outline some of the major health issues facing indigenous Australians, and current or proposed strategies in reducing the gap in health outcomes that currently exist.
• Discuss the categories of hypoxia, giving an example of a condition and explanation of the mechanism by which hypoxia develops for each subtype.
• Discuss what the oxygen-haemoglobin curve represents, why it has a sigmoid shape, what a leftward or rightward shift of the curve signifies and what factors induce such shifts.
• List the various types of transfusion reactions and explain the cause and effects of each.
• Describe the pre-hospital (ambulance) & hospital treatment of asthma and compare the delivery of medication by nebuliser and spacer, describing the pros and cons of each.
• What are the main principles in the treatment of brain injury secondary to stroke or trauma and what impact does hyperglycaemia have on outcome?
• Explain the mechanisms behind haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment, when they are indicated aswell as the dietary restrictions, if any, imposed on the patient undergoing them.
• How is severe acute anaphylaxis treated both pre-hospital(ambulance) and in the emergency department? How do these measures alleviate or reverse symptoms?
• What is negative pressure pulmonary oedema and how does it develop?
• Explain the Frank-Starling and Laplace laws in relation to the heart. How do these laws explain the underlying pathology of heart failure?
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