2.On the internet, find one recent news articles about a political issue in the Middle East that also involves a Western nation in some way. Consider the article from the perspective of Orientalism (see text for discussion on Orientalism). How do the articles depict the West and how do they depict the Middle East? Is the West depicted as
being culturally superior to the Middle East? If so, show how that is accomplished. If not, explain how the journalists avoid adopting an Orientalist explanation. Attach a printed copy of at least the first page of the article.
3.Select one country in the world and use Google Earth or aerial photographs to compare and contrast the international boundaries between that country and two of its neighbors. How do those borders differ from each other? How are they similar? Speculate as to what conditions lead to the differences and similarities between the
borders. Consider discussing land use, terrain, security, housing, population density or any other interesting features you may observe
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