Saturday, November 16, 2013

Business Study Skills

Business Study Skills
A) Choosing a report topic – follow the steps below:

1) Choose a general field you know something about, eg cars, drinks, sport, computers, fashion etc.
2) And / or choose a field you have some experience of, eg connected with previous employment.
3) And / or choose a field possibly connected with future employment.
4) Now choose a company which is problematic in some way, and whose problems you can analyse, eg a company

which is doing badly in the recession, or one which is doing well but for whom the question is how to continue

doing well.
5) Choose a title which gives you chance to discuss in an analytic way
EG ‘Glasgow Rangers Football Club’ is not enough as a title – you can only be descriptive, like in WIKIPEDIA.
But, for example, ‘What does Glasgow Rangers have to do to return to profitability?’ is a much more interesting

question, which allows you to analyse their situation and make recommendations.
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