Thursday, November 21, 2013

Choose two companies in the hospitality or dietetics industry

Choose two companies in the hospitality or dietetics industry (based on your major) that have career information posted on their Web sites. Spend time reviewing the information provided about the careers at these companies and then prepare a critical evaluation of the type of information included. Consider the following questions as you prepare your review of the two companies.
1. How much detail is provided? Do the companies simply list their available openings, or do they provide an overview of what it is like to work at the company? What information is not included that you wish was included?
2. What do the sites do particularly well? How easy were the sites to navigate?
3. As a manager, what specific recommendations would you make to improve the quality of the sites and why?
Find a job description posted for a job at one of the two companies you investigated. If you need more details about a job they have posted, you can obtain many generic job descriptions online simply by typing the job title into a search engine. Based on the job description and company chosen, complete the following activities.
1. Explain three different methods/ways to recruit qualified applicants for the position and company you identified. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods/ways.
2. Prepare two situational interview questions for the job. Specify which aspects of the job you are assessing with each question. Include a detailed rating scale with the questions.
Given the well-documented scandals in corporate America involving unethical behavior, many companies are increasingly encouraging their employees to act ethically. Attend one of the “Business Ethics Week” Seminars provided by the College of Business. Business Ethics Week occurs November 4-8, 2013. The schedule of events will be posted in the next two weeks at Take notes 
during the seminar and document the purpose of the session, the background of the speaker(s), and practicalways to incorporate the information into a workplace. Then:
1. Summarize three main points of the seminar. Explain how these points support or conflict with course discussion of ethics in the HR/business environment.
2. Discuss how the information you learned in the seminar can benefit a business workplace or you as a professional.
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