Step 1:
Selecting an audience or public. You should decide by week 3 or 4 of the semester.
You can change later if you really need to, but pick something and get started.
Think of a media topic that interests you, and identify the audience based on that area of interest.
For example, in the area of health campaigns, you might select breast cancer survivors or teen smokers.
Journalists might be interested in regular users of or ABC Radio listeners. Media studies students could be interested in reality TV devotees or Wii addicts.
These are just brief examples, the actual audience or public must interest you because you will be researching it for the next few weeks.
Tip: The more specific your selection in the beginning, the easier the task will be.
You can always talk to your tutor and expand your choice if there is not enough information available on them. For example, instead of selecting “social media users”, you would be better to select “Australian young adults who use Facebook”.
Step 2: Introduction and Background (Literature Review).
The introduction establishes real-world context for the relevance of the topic and indicates the scope or limits of the audience/public to be discussed in the report (i.e. names the audience that is the target of the research).
The background is where you will do a literature review based report that summarizes key information already known about your public (e.g. demographics).
You can also summarize academic study findings and theory concepts that help you and your reader understand this audience, what they do and what motivates them.
YOU MUST include at least 4 peer-reviewed journal articles and reference relevant unit readings.
You can also use industry reports and press, which often have current statistics and discuss issues related to audiences.
See grading sheet for the specific requirements for these sections.
Step 3: Original research. You will conduct three small exercises to practice asking questions about this audience.
For example, you could do a content analysis, poll of convenient audience members, and an in-depth interview with one.
Alternatively, you could do a usability test, survey, and observation or field study of your audience.
We will discuss several methodologies this semester and you can use any combination of these.
However, your methods must be approved by your tutor to ensure they meet our ethical obligations and be small enough in scope that you can complete them appropriately for this assignment.
Selecting an audience or public. You should decide by week 3 or 4 of the semester.
You can change later if you really need to, but pick something and get started.
Think of a media topic that interests you, and identify the audience based on that area of interest.
For example, in the area of health campaigns, you might select breast cancer survivors or teen smokers.
Journalists might be interested in regular users of or ABC Radio listeners. Media studies students could be interested in reality TV devotees or Wii addicts.
These are just brief examples, the actual audience or public must interest you because you will be researching it for the next few weeks.
Tip: The more specific your selection in the beginning, the easier the task will be.
You can always talk to your tutor and expand your choice if there is not enough information available on them. For example, instead of selecting “social media users”, you would be better to select “Australian young adults who use Facebook”.
Step 2: Introduction and Background (Literature Review).
The introduction establishes real-world context for the relevance of the topic and indicates the scope or limits of the audience/public to be discussed in the report (i.e. names the audience that is the target of the research).
The background is where you will do a literature review based report that summarizes key information already known about your public (e.g. demographics).
You can also summarize academic study findings and theory concepts that help you and your reader understand this audience, what they do and what motivates them.
YOU MUST include at least 4 peer-reviewed journal articles and reference relevant unit readings.
You can also use industry reports and press, which often have current statistics and discuss issues related to audiences.
See grading sheet for the specific requirements for these sections.
Step 3: Original research. You will conduct three small exercises to practice asking questions about this audience.
For example, you could do a content analysis, poll of convenient audience members, and an in-depth interview with one.
Alternatively, you could do a usability test, survey, and observation or field study of your audience.
We will discuss several methodologies this semester and you can use any combination of these.
However, your methods must be approved by your tutor to ensure they meet our ethical obligations and be small enough in scope that you can complete them appropriately for this assignment.
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