Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Select a firm in the textiles or clothing manufacturing industries and prepare a report discussing the application of the strategic management process

Select a firm in the textiles or clothing manufacturing industries and prepare a report discussing the application of the strategic management process. If you have chosen a firm with business activities that go beyond textiles or clothing manufacturing then you must focus mainly on its textiles or clothing manufacturing operations.

Please follow this content:
Executive Summary 
Table of Contents 
1.0 Introduction
*An introduction to the paper as a whole and a brief description of the firm and its position within the industry. The profile will form a part of the report’s appendix in the final submission.
2.0 Strategic Analysis
*For your chosen firm, outline the stages, steps and procedures that should be implemented to carryout a strategic analysis as part of the strategic management process. This stage must among others include evaluations of the organization’s current general/contextual environment, competitive environment and internal environment. The strategic analysis is aimed at identifying the organization’s external opportunities and threats as well as its internal capabilities and competences. 
2.1 Introduction to strategic analysis
1. What is meant by the strategic management process?
2. What are 3 staged of the strategic management process and 
how do they fit together and contribute to the strategic 
management process?
Components: external and internal environment > explain and 
the relationships between the two 
2.2 External Environment
2.1.1 PEST Analysis
2.1.2 Perter's 5 Forces
2.3 Internal Environment
2.2.1 Value Chain Analysis (Must)
2.2.2 Financial Analysis (Must)
2.2.3 EVA (Optional)
2.2.4 Balanced Scorecard (Optional)
2.4 SWOT Analysis (A summary of External and Internal Environment)
3.0 Strategy Formulation (Evaluation and Choice)
* For your chosen firm outline the stages, steps and processes involved in the formulation of corporate, business and international strategy as part of the strategic management process. This stage must among others include justifications for the chosen strategies based on the strategic analysis as well as methods of pursuing strategies and strategy evaluation.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Corporate strategy 
• Explain
• Models of corporate strategy
• Critically discuss
• Relate to SWOT and suggest appropriate strategy | strategies for your company
Portfolio analysis
• Critically discuss
• Relate to your company
3.3 Business strategy
• Explain
• Models of business strategy
Porter generic competitive strategies 
• Critically discuss (critical = limitations, advantage, disadvantage)
• Related to your company
Industry life cycle
• Critically discuss
• Relate to your company
4.0 Strategy implementation
For your chosen firm outline the stages, steps and processes involved in the implementation of the corporate, business and international strategy as part of the strategic management process. This stage must among others include the role of systems, change management and leadership.
5.0 Conclusion 
Reference List 
Appendix 1 – Company Profile
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