Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dunning Kruger Effect and Logistic Regression

Dunning Kruger Effect and Logistic Regression
In the opinion of the instructor, Logistic Regression models will be the most widely used type of analytics that you will encounter. Think of an application of logistic regression, discuss the benefits of the model, and discuss the difficulties of implementing such a model.
A summary of "The Dunning Kruger effect" can be stated as this:
•People who KNOW NOTHING about a topic, tend to OVER RATE their ability on that topic.
•People who KNOW A LOT about a topic, tend to UNDER RATE their ability.
I bring up this concept because, in my experience, the analytic world is often times a living example of the Dunning Kruger effect. You will probably get a boss some day who is put in charge of the analytics team. This boss will know nothing about analytics or statistics, yet he will consider himself an expert on the topic for no other reason than he was put in charge.
1.Have you encountered this in your job (may or may not be analytics related)
2.If so, how did you deal with it?
3.If there is no Dunning Kruger example in your work space, then give me an example in the real world! Discuss how this affects your life or the life of others.
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