Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Comparing the ideological position of two different periodicals

Comparing the ideological position of two different periodicals. The paper should include the following:
a. A discussion of two major articles in each magazine that exemplify the political perspective you find to be characteristic of the periodical as a whole. Include a very brief summary of each article and an explanation of just how the article illustrates a particular political ideology. 
b. A comparison of the two magazines in general. What tone do you find throughout the periodical? Are there any indications of political ideology in the ads, the letters to the editors, short editorials,illustrations, or even the cover of the magazine? After completing parts “a” and “b” of this assignment you should have located at least three different aspects of contemporary liberalism and three aspects of contemporary conservatism.
c. Compare your own political position with each magazine’s point of view. Which one seems to be closer toyour own point of view?
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