Tuesday, February 25, 2014


• Current competitive situation analysis: industry (ies), competitors, business-level strategy, corporate-level strategy, and competitive position.
comment ( You already did this part if you remember .. It under current situation but what I knew is that I have to break it down to the points mentioned above so please write more on that point and put them into points.)
A comprehensive and meaningful strategic discussion that ties together the aforementioned content and analysis sections.
my comment ( you already did a value chain analysis and I did the swot anaylsis .. so now please do a page discussion that discusses the two analysis we have )
I will send you the SWOT analysis later this evening ..
•Appendix B is a reflexive assessment of the team’s processes. Whatever the format chosen, it must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the course material and the actual team dynamics experienced. This includes problems encountered, how problems were resolved, and how the team would improve its performance on future projects.
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