Sunday, March 22, 2020

"All people should work to support their children."

Suppose your claim is "All people should work to support their children." Here is an example of possible "layers of why" for this claim:
Layer 1: People should work to support their children because it is the right thing to do.
Layer 2: It is the right thing to do because it is true that children need to be cared for by adults.
Layer 3: I believe my last statement is true because it is an accurate description of what occurs – that is, very small children sicken and die if adults do not care for their needs; older children may exhibit many physical and emotional deficiencies if they are not properly cared for.
Layer 4: Reasonable attention to the needs of children is just since children are largely dependent on their parents (who, after all, brought them into the world) for all of their needs during the early years of their lives. Furthermore, such attention leads to a healthy, productive and ordered society in which each individual has an opportunity to achieve his or her highest potential.

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