Sunday, March 22, 2020

Climate Changes: Australian Bushfires

Climate Changes: Australian Bushfires
This essay will help you progress towards your final assignment for this class –the fully researched Argument paper. For your 4-full page (or more) informative essay, due Modnay, you will spend time thinking, writing, and field researching about the problematic question you have already tackled in your Annotated Bibliography. You will follow Chapter 13’s Roadmap for “Reporting Information” (232-238), and the Chapter 18 guidelines for “Conducting Field Research” (395-399). Using personal experience, a bit of your library research, as an MLA cited source of information, and primary field research in the forms of either an observation or an interview (or both), write a 4-full page (or more) essay (plus brief Work Cited page), that continues to discuss the problematic question you have already asked in your Annotated Bibliography. Make sure your tone and style are suitable for a general audience. Imagine an audience of readers who hold a mistaken or overly narrow view of your topic; your purpose as a more informed person is to give them some new surprising information about the topic.

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