Sunday, February 2, 2014

“Education landscape sees gradual shift in 2013”

Read this article from Channel News Asia on recent amendments to Singapore’s education system, “Education landscape sees gradual shift in 2013”. (Refer to 
(a) With reference to discussions and data found in the assigned article, identify one topic of study that might be of interest to both sociologist and psychologist. At the micro- to meso-levels, compare and contrast how a sociologist and a psychologist would approach this topic. Your discussion must also focus on explaining the unique approaches of sociology and psychology. 
(b) With reference to discussions and data found in the assigned article, identify one topic of study (which is different from Question 1a) that might be of interest to both economist and political scientist. At the micro- to meso-levels, compare and contrast how an economist and a political scientist would approach this topic. 
Your discussion must also focus on explaining the unique approaches of economics and political science. 
With reference to the same article, select one social science discipline and one topic of study from either Question 1a or 1b, and discuss how you, as a practitioner of the social science discipline, would: 
(a) Identify key variables and develop a hypothesis to study the issue. 
(Notes: You must explain why you have identified these variables as key to your study. In addition, you must formulate a hypothesis that can be tested.) 
(b) Discuss and describe how you would test your hypothesis and operationalise your variables by using at least two research methods covered in this course (e.g.survey research, field research, controlled experiments). 
(c) Discuss the possible outcomes of this study and its potential significance to policymaking or society. Please include a discussion on how you would analyse possible data obtained through your research to assess your hypothesis.
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