Friday, October 17, 2014

Corporate Security in High Risk Environment Research Questionnaires

Corporate Security in High Risk Environment Research Questionnaires
Primary Data collection (CHOICE of question)
(A) Questionnaire design
Develop your own questionnaire to investigate attitudes towards some aspect of work practice within your workplace (or most recent workplace), using both closed and open ended questions. Include a Likert Scale. (See the unit handbook for details on this). The questionnaire should be two sides long, including any short introduction and ‘thank you’ at the end. You do not need to distribute your questionnaire.
(B) Planning and evaluating research based on a questionnaire
Answer the following questions (half the marks, 750 words):
(i) How would you identify a sample for this questionnaire?
(ii) How would you distribute the questionnaire? Explain you reasoning.
(iii) Justify your use of odd or even number of responses in the Likert scale? (ie. Did you give the respondents the option to give a neutral response or not? Why?).
(iv) What are the ethical issues you would need to consider in conducting research of this sort in your own workplace?
(v) Evaluate questionnaires as a research method.
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