Friday, October 17, 2014

MPS Value Proposition: Competency Demonstration

MPS Value Proposition: Competency Demonstration
In your own words – write a <30 second “talk track” or short summary of the MPS Value Proposition that you would provide to Client or a peer describing the MPS Value Proposition
EMAIL the “Talk Track” or short summary to WW Customer Operations Practice Manager. Certification Requirements
“Talk Track” / Summary = PASS
Consumables Management: Toner Reconciliation Competency Demonstration
Using your own toner reconciliation account, analyze and submit the following:
• an action plan w/timing on how to get the toner reconciliation balance under control
• a summary chart that communicates the balance owed to the Client (should comply with typical MOS report standard)
If you do not have responsibility for a Toner Reconciliation Account, please request a sample scenario from your Manager or Peer Team or email a request to the WW Customer Ops Manager.
EMAIL the Analysis and the Client Summary to WW Customer Operations Practice Manager. Certification Requirements
Toner Reconciliation Action Plan & Summary = PASS
Consumables Management: Toner Yield Competency Demonstration
Utilizing the Toner Reconciliation sample scenario in above competency demo, document the identified toner yield issues found in the analysis and create an action plan with the necessary actions to reconcile and correct the toner yield issue specifically.
EMAIL the Toner Yield Analysis and Action Plan to WW Customer Operations Practice Manager. Certification Requirements
Toner Yield Analysis & Action Plan = PASS
Consumables Management: Ship to Strategy Competency Demonstration
Using a current MPS Customer, submit a SAMPLE Ship To strategy. The ship to strategy defines how to deliver consumables to your Customer based on the contractual requirements.
EMAIL the Ship to Strategy and represented contract to WW Customer Operations Practice Manager. Certification Requirements
Sample SHIP TO Strategy = PASS
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