Friday, October 17, 2014

Men and Accessing Health Services

Men and Accessing Health Services
At various stages across the life-span men will need to engage with health services, whether for management of acute or chronic injury or disease, or for preventative health care. Current research demonstrates that men do not visit their general practitioner (GP) as much as women do, that they have shorter consultations, see their GP later in the course of an illness, and they tend to leave significant health issues unattended. In your discussion you need to ensure you include Indigenous men accessing health services.
For the specific topic you have chosen you are to explore the determinants of health as both risk and protective factors, that impact on these interventions. And finally, describe a health promotion program, either national, state-based or more local for this health issue, and discuss how it aims to empower this population group to make better health choices.
Assessment Task 2 (60%): ESSAY
PURPOSE: To develop a range of skills required as a professional nurse, including research, reflection and analysis on the role of the nurse in the care of vulnerable populations.
TASK: Using the information you gathered in your Literature Review as a background, critically examine and discuss the role of the nurse in providing health care interventions to your chosen population group, for this health issue
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