Thursday, December 4, 2014

Japanese take away restaurant in Middlesex street

Japanese take away restaurant in Middlesex street
Write a report on a research topic of your choice. The report must analyse original data that you gathered from your own survey. The survey can be designed and conducted in groups, but the data analysis and report writing is an individual task where collaboration will be considered as academic impropriety.
Parts of the data analysis will be either actually done or demonstrated in seminars to verify the originality of your work.
1. You must make use of all the following data types in your analysis.
a. Categorical
b. Numerical: Discrete
c. Numerical: Continuous
2. Your data analysis must test hypotheses and include:
a. Describing a group (or several groups)
b. Inference about one group
c. Comparing two (or more) groups
d. Analysing the relationship between two groups
Aim at using all four tasks for combinations of numerical and categorical data.
3. Organise and visualise your data and results clearly, using tables and figures as appropriate.
4. Explain your findings clearly.
5. Draw conclusions from your findings. This may include recommendations where appropriate, depending on your topic.
6. All statistical workings (Excel or SPSS output) must be shown in the appendix and in class. Failure to do either will trigger a viva voce.
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