Thursday, December 4, 2014

Marketing Case study report

Marketing Case study report
i)Define and classify service industries.
ii)Distinguish between tangible product and service offerings.
iii)Identify the unique characteristics of services marketing.
iv)Review theoretical services marketing frameworks in the context of service organisations.

a)Give a brief overview of the case study and identify their main competitors.
b)Service marketing is made up of four distinct characteristics, which are intangibility, inseparability,

perishability and variability. Using relevant referencing, define these and then relate them to the case study.
c)Identify and discuss the product/service offering, as well as the elements of product, price, place and

promotion, using the correct theoretical framework and then applying these answers directly to the case study.
d)In looking at the extended services marketing mix, consisting of physical evidence, process and people, define

these with appropriate referencing techniques and apply them directly to the case study.
e)Taking into consideration what you have researched in relation to the case study, how do you think they could

adjust their services marketing offering, taking into account as many of the 7Ps as possible.
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